How do you go about flipping from veg to flower?

papa canna

Well-Known Member
In all my previous grows I've always immediately switched my timer from 18/6 to 12/12 and replaced my MH for a HPS. Should I continue on this way? I feel like i've always got an unnecessary amount of stretching.

I was thinking about moving my timer down 2 hours per day, and then switching to HPS after about a week when the plants got use to the shorter light cycle. Maybe that would be less stress? Any vets want to chime in?


Active Member
i waited a week to switch from MH to HPS...still stretching anyway...perhaps they would've stretched even more if i used hps from the start


Well-Known Member
You're on the right track if you want to reduce your stretch. The reason they stretch so much when flipping straight to 12/12 and MH to hps is the difference in Kelvin (colour rendering) between the two bulb techs. The greater the colour difference, the greater the stretch. So if you wanted less/minimal stretch, leave them under MH for 2 weeks and that should reduce your stretch.

I noticed this as I've tried several flowering techs and looked into it. I even noticed reduced stretch when I switched from 3100k CMH in flowering to 3500k COBs.


Well-Known Member
You're on the right track if you want to reduce your stretch. The reason they stretch so much when flipping straight to 12/12 and MH to hps is the difference in Kelvin (colour rendering) between the two bulb techs. The greater the colour difference, the greater the stretch. So if you wanted less/minimal stretch, leave them under MH for 2 weeks and that should reduce your stretch.

I noticed this as I've tried several flowering techs and looked into it. I even noticed reduced stretch when I switched from 3100k CMH in flowering to 3500k COBs.
Agree 110% (:


Well-Known Member
I recommend continue letting them stretch and just doing a super crop or the scrog method and even high stress training all at the same time and I change directly to the HPS when I went from 18. 6 - 12 + 12 having great results



Well-Known Member
Here is a picture of a knot on my plant after super cropping it slowed the growth for at least a week kept them about the same height maybe two or three inches taller than when I bent them over



Active Member
Hey Dutchie are you doing that supercropping and high stress training after the flowering cycle has already begun?

papa canna

Well-Known Member
You're on the right track if you want to reduce your stretch. The reason they stretch so much when flipping straight to 12/12 and MH to hps is the difference in Kelvin (colour rendering) between the two bulb techs. The greater the colour difference, the greater the stretch. So if you wanted less/minimal stretch, leave them under MH for 2 weeks and that should reduce your stretch.

I noticed this as I've tried several flowering techs and looked into it. I even noticed reduced stretch when I switched from 3100k CMH in flowering to 3500k COBs.
So just the bulb then? Do you gradually adjust the hours or just shoot straight for 12/12?


Well-Known Member
So just the bulb then? Do you gradually adjust the hours or just shoot straight for 12/12?
No I just flip them (actually running 11.5/12.5). But I use blurple panels for veg and 3500k COBs for flowering, not anywhere as extreme a colour difference as going HID to hps. In fact I could use some extra stretch with some of my strains. Finding some don't stretch enough.


Well-Known Member
Be careful with the stress training if they are already big plants but go ahead and super crop the crap out of them just make sure you have strong enough lights


Well-Known Member
I know a few people like to leave every third or fourth light as a MH light or use hanging vertical MH lights to suplliment their HPS lights and provide a different spectrum to try and keep the stretch down

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I recommend continue letting them stretch and just doing a super crop or the scrog method and even high stress training all at the same time and I change directly to the HPS when I went from 18. 6 - 12 + 12 having great results
How about you simply start the flip when the plant has vegged enough to only stretch as high as the light limits it?

Go ahead and super crop if need be! If you keep stressing with different stress factors in bloom. You'll soon learn why not to..

So I look at your plants and have to ask.....Why are you SCing them ? Poor man's SCROG? LOL

papa canna

Well-Known Member
I tried super cropping around week 3 veg, but my stems are not very pliable. They are quite hard, stiff, and thick. No puns intended. I tried to bend it ever so slightly and snapped the sonbitch right off. so i've been doing a small bit of low stress bending. with very little results.


Active Member
are you doing the super cropping right? you're supposed wait until a few days after watering, then squeeze and pinch the stem a bit before bending. at least that's what the guide said and it worked for me.