How big is this thing gonna get??


Well-Known Member
So I have a nice little lemon skunk going in my closet this is my first grow and i started about 3 months ago from seed and am now left with this monster of a plant to deal with. I spent about 2 of the 3 months away from the plant (didnt plan on that) so thats why its been in veg for so long and has gotten so big.
My question is how tall will this plant be 8 weeks from now if I start to flower, as it stands now its 4' 7" from the base of the bucket to the top of the plant. I'm almost 100% i'm going to have to move it to a friends more capable grow room to bud it out. I would like to do it myself if i could just I dont think I have the height even if i put it on the ground.
Any ideas on how i could do this myself cause the other room is a long way from here and i would rather bud my first plant myself.

Here she is:

Don't mind the pepsi can.
the closet door is a mirror the room is twice that size, makes it look real tiny.


Well-Known Member
god,what a monster - can't tell you how big by experience, i do small plants
gotta think it will touch 7 feet or so, normally it should it least double in height
but that would be 15 feet, don't think skunk grows that tall(normally)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply. so it looks like my 8 foot ceiling isn't gonna work aha. Yea I wanted to keep them small but cause of the situation i spent a lot of time away from home. This sucks my first plant and I don't get to flower it. well time to get ready to move her. If anyone has any ideas on how I can pull this off myself let me know ASAP PLEASE. At this point I'm thinking I need some good moving tips. whatever helps. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
So I have a nice little lemon skunk going in my closet this is my first grow and i started about 3 months ago from seed and am now left with this monster of a plant to deal with. I spent about 2 of the 3 months away from the plant (didnt plan on that) so thats why its been in veg for so long and has gotten so big.
My question is how tall will this plant be 8 weeks from now if I start to flower, as it stands now its 4' 7" from the base of the bucket to the top of the plant. I'm almost 100% i'm going to have to move it to a friends more capable grow room to bud it out. I would like to do it myself if i could just I dont think I have the height even if i put it on the ground.
Any ideas on how i could do this myself cause the other room is a long way from here and i would rather bud my first plant myself.

Here she is:

Don't mind the pepsi can.
the closet door is a mirror the room is twice that size, makes it look real tiny.
Is there room in that box for another plant? If so, cut that sucker in half, wait 2 weeks for it to take root,then flip them into flowering.


Active Member
lol dude when you put that thing into flower depending on strain the average is it will double 2 - 3 times in height. Just clone her down a lot its not a problem at all grab some rapid rooters and a tray maybe a couple trays ahahah cut her down try to cut some clones in the 8" mark. maybe even push 10" veg em out for 2 weeks and your good to go.

Veg time with clones is usually about 2 weeks unless your doing scrog or other training techniques.

pretty cool pic tho man that thing would be a beast if you flowered it!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks man. Yea it would be nice. These are some great tips thanks for helping out the rookie. So I can clone it down and go from there, I can cut it in half and go from there (sounds a little over my head but im down to try).


Active Member
it wont root you would have to trim that shit down to basically a leaf with a fat ass long stem like that.

you know when you take clones you trim the bottom leafs and the big leafs down? Its to stimulate root growth and not so much energy keeping the leaves alive. Great idea in theory but like i sad large clones and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
it wont root you would have to trim that shit down to basically a leaf with a fat ass long stem like that.

you know when you take clones you trim the bottom leafs and the big leafs down? Its to stimulate root growth and not so much energy keeping the leaves alive. Great idea in theory but like i sad large clones and your good to go.
yea sounded a lil crazy and or not gonna happen cause the trunk on that thing is no joke. So I take these bigger clones from the top then whats left with the rest of the pant. I don't I want to have a mother just cut and go cut and go. So take big clones and count it as a loss


Well-Known Member
be very careful in cutting, again this is out of my experience with such a large plant
you might be able to do some training, maybe a 'half LST' or super cropping
supper cropping is just bending the bud stalk at a right angle
i've done super cropping inadvertently, but bent buds can live and thrive
but this beast needs some pro advice


Well-Known Member
be very careful in cutting, again this is out of my experience with such a large plant
you might be able to do some training, maybe a 'half LST' or super cropping
supper cropping is just bending the bud stalk at a right angle
i've done super cropping inadvertently, but bent buds can live and thrive
but this beast needs some pro advice
yea I was thinking that but it's such a beast now it seems like trying to train now would be tough. But like I said I'm new to this, I have to brain power I just need the info to get her done. I made it this far for my first grow without being there really so I hoping I can overcome this but cant fight physics.


Well-Known Member
yea I was thinking that but it's such a beast now it seems like trying to train now would be tough. But like I said I'm new to this, I have to brain power I just need the info to get her done. I made it this far for my first grow without being there really so I hoping I can overcome this but cant fight physics.
well good luck either way
i have seen some growers here that claim they can make a mature plant fit to a space they want
they seemed credible, big thing is flexibility, if it bends you can supposedly bend at need
but i have no experience with this, so it's only hearsay


i say you keep veggin her and pruning her tell spring comes around then transplant her , you'll prolly get a good pound and a half if u do that


Well-Known Member
Ok if you have been following this thread I have come to a conclusion and I'm going to flower it myself. I have moved it into the back room with more space. not height but more space. Looks like I'm going to HAVE to use some type of training and toping to keep it under the light. It stands 4'7" now and I need it to stay under 6 feet ideally. I dont know how well this is going to go but I dont have much of a choice. I'll keep you posted as I go and will have pics up soon. It's 5:30 in the morn. light just went off and I need sleep. Damn I hope I can pull this off. HELP PLEASE IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN THIS SITUATIOIN BEFORE!!


Well-Known Member
Ok if you have been following this thread I have come to a conclusion and I'm going to flower it myself. I have moved it into the back room with more space. not height but more space. Looks like I'm going to HAVE to use some type of training and toping to keep it under the light. It stands 4'7" now and I need it to stay under 6 feet ideally. I dont know how well this is going to go but I dont have much of a choice. I'll keep you posted as I go and will have pics up soon. It's 5:30 in the morn. light just went off and I need sleep. Damn I hope I can pull this off. HELP PLEASE IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN THIS SITUATIOIN BEFORE!!
Sorry I hate to bump like this but i really need some tips on keeping this thing from growing one more inch. HELP