Hot grower chics


Just some idiot
Well you found a bunch of hot stoner/grower chics here then eh? Maybe not naked, but pretty damn cool, lol

Yes I have between you, kP, and Lacy I have met some very nice 2 are taken so kP better watch


New Member
LMAO GYGAX!!! (heeheehee) You guys and chicks are too friggin' funny.
Kind princess is sweet and very knowledgable for sure. :clap:
me either she's scary and tough...

j/k shes super nice and helpful...she's the cat's meow and the greatest thing since sliced bread...have a brown nosed enough yet kP?


New Member
i'm not sure if you will see this or not but how are the seedlings doing? I am thinkin gabout getting a 600 watt MH ballast with a hps bulb for flowering.
What wattage do you have and how far away are they?
hey lace. good luck with your babies.

i was able to polenate 2 small white widow plants just before the end of summer and i've got dozens of seeds. my first outdoor grow, too! it was awesome. the bud taste great. not too heavy a smell, though. hmmm. i've got about 20 seedlings under my hps and we'll see how it goes. i'm looking for one mother and 10 plants.

keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Okay okay, its obvious that i'm setting myself up for failure if i am to continue on with what i said previously about hijacking my thread. Talk about whatever you'de like. just post some damn pics or something will ya?!?! :)


New Member
Okay okay, its obvious that i'm setting myself up for failure if i am to continue on with what i said previously about hijacking my thread. Talk about whatever you'de like. just post some damn pics or something will ya?!?! :)
this was taken at the 2007 convention and rodeo....:peace::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
I am lucky,, I get to mold my own ,,I got the hot chic,,who doesen't even smoke,,some of you know her in chat as HoLESFLoWER,,she never grew before she met me,,but was able to pick out a male as soon as it showed,,while I was away fishing,,and,,just recently trimmed my second grow,,took her 2 hours,,but she did an awesome job,,I do the watering,,and she does all the sexing,,errrr,,ya,,:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin


hmmm,,wonder if I could put her on a timer