Hot grower chics


Well-Known Member
Ideal wifey, don't you think? :D Ahh, if only i could be so lucky as to find a hot grower chic who's cool....screw all night grow all day, or, vica versa ;)
Random stoner thought, forgive me, but it's just hott!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ideal wifey, don't you think? :D Ahh, if only i could be so lucky as to find a hot grower chic who's cool....screw all night grow all day, or, vica versa ;)
Random stoner thought, forgive me, but it's just hott!

Well, well, You found me! lol :mrgreen:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Oh Lacy, you know me, just the hot grow chic part, lol forget about the sex.
We should start a hot grow chics club, lol :mrgreen:


New Member
Haha. 'Hot grower chics'. :mrgreen: Yeah sure sure...I'm in. :roll::oops::rolleyes:
Ah NOT!!!

So what would being part of this club mean exactly? :-?
I dunnoooooooooo! :-|
I'm just kidin' around too. ;)
Oh Lacy, you know me, just the hot grow chic part, lol forget about the sex.
We should start a hot grow chics club, lol :mrgreen:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Haha. 'Hot grower chics'. :mrgreen: Yeah sure sure...I'm in. :roll::oops::rolleyes:
Ah NOT!!!

So what would being part of this club mean exactly? :-?
I dunnoooooooooo! :-|
I'm just kidin' around too. ;)
Just a Hot Grow Chics Club, lol :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown anything for a while.
my Boyfriend is very controlling about growing but strong,
he's awesome but wow im never sharing
cereal with him again.


Well-Known Member
I was telling my cousin (in-laws) about my plants and how i will be trying some shrooms next. He looked at me with pup dog eyes and said, " I wish i had a wife like you"....


Active Member
If I had a choice in the matter I would be all about it... a wife that grows/smokes would be ideal.
My hats off to the few lucky guys that have that going on.

I think some of you would enjoy taking a look at this place:

Marijuana community - Whos got the weed?


Not sure why the link is showing like that... maybe somethign going on i'm not aware of... but seems to
be linked up right.


Well-Known Member
Truu you are back from hunting, how was it.... Yes i do all the rolling, breaking up, cleaning pipes and bongs, and now growing. My hubby cant even roll a joint anymore. But i love to break my stuff up and put it in altoid


Well-Known Member
Truu you are back from hunting, how was it.... Yes i do all the rolling, breaking up, cleaning pipes and bongs, and now growing. My hubby cant even roll a joint anymore. But i love to break my stuff up and put it in altoid
HAHAH! You use Altoid tins too?! All my weed stuff is in mine, lighter, papers, and all.