Hillary falls on the sword! but why?


Well-Known Member
You were the one crowing about the GOP...

I simply pointed out your soap box of fail....

Sorry bucky....
you were the one crowing about embassy security.

i simply pointed out the GOP voting to cut funding for embassy security.

i'm not sorry, ANALEXCESSGAY1.


New Member
hate to break it to the GOP circle jerk here:

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

In the 2011 continuing resolution, Congress, at the insistence of the House of Representatives, slashed the president’s request for embassy security and construction and forced another cut in fiscal year 2012. Altogether Congress has eliminated $296 million from embassy security and construction in the last two years with additional cuts in other State Department security accounts.


Totally irrelevant to this issue, these kinds of situations take precedent when funding is concerned.


Well-Known Member
Totally irrelevant to this issue, these kinds of situations take precedent when funding is concerned.
maybe we should have deficit-funded it, like we did with the entire iraq war.

then you guys could have complained about that instead.



New Member
I will hand it to Hillary here, she is a good take-one-for-the-team Democrat.

Under the "buck stops here" rule, I don't see this as alleviating Obama from the blame though.
When it comes to not supplying the needed security, Hillary show take the blame.
When it comes to the obvious coverup and lying to the American people, the buck stops at the Oval Office!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Clinton's statements don't change reality. Her statements make Obama look weak. Had Obama taken the blame, it shows, "shit happens but we plan on...." Obama not taking blame and not attending half the meetings shows incompetance.


Well-Known Member
Clinton's statements don't change reality. Her statements make Obama look weak. Had Obama taken the blame, it shows, "shit happens but we plan on...." Obama not taking blame and not attending half the meetings shows incompetance.
yeah, that one embassy attack and 4 deaths is pure incompetence!

we need to go back to the party that gave us 3,000+ dead americans and 9 embassy attacks!

wake up america!


Well-Known Member
i eat cheese out of my sister's butthole
remind me how many americans died from terrorist attacks under the other party's watch.

remind me how many embassies were attacked under the other party's watch.

remind me which party voted to defund embassy security.


thank you.


Well-Known Member
Another idiot who wants to blame Mitt Romney for 9/11 :dunce:
is mitt romney not part of the GOP who voted to defund embassy security?

is mitt romney not part of the GOP who watched 3,000+ americans die in a terrorist attack that they were warned about?

is mitt romney not part of the GOP who oversaw 9 embassy attacks the last time they had executive power?

you're a douchebag.


Well-Known Member
is mitt romney not part of the GOP who voted to defund embassy security?

is mitt romney not part of the GOP who watched 3,000+ americans die in a terrorist attack that they were warned about?

is mitt romney not part of the GOP who oversaw 9 embassy attacks the last time they had executive power?

you're a douchebag.
Nope. Mitt Romney is a civilian and the ex governor of Massachusetts. :dunce: You get two dunce awards on the same page. Congratulations!


Well-Known Member
Nope. Mitt Romney is a civilian and the ex governor of Massachusetts. :dunce: You get two dunce awards on the same page. Congratulations!
i believe mitt romney was a REPUBLICAN governor at the same time that a REPUBLICAN president was sending us into two deficit-funded wars and a REPUBLICAN congress was turning a democratic surplus into a record deficit.

so, given the republican record of unfunded wars and massive deficits, why should we trust republican mitt romney to fix this?

this is especially pertinent since republican mitt romney was 47th in job creation during his time as governor and had the highest debt per capita of any governor in the entire country.

why should we trust someone with such a bad record from a party with such a bad record to take over for a president who has reduced the deficit and given us 5 million new jobs over the last two and a half years?


Well-Known Member
Last week I only spent $500 on illegal drugs, this week I only spent $495, next week i will spend $1200 and the week after I will spend $1190. clearly I am reducing my drug expenses.


Well-Known Member
I will hand it to Hillary here, she is a good take-one-for-the-team Democrat. Under the "buck stops here" rule, I don't see this as alleviating Obama from the blame though.
Hilary is clearly "taking one for the team". However, her contention that "the buck stops here" is dishonest. This "bump in the road" was brought about by Obama's policies, spiking the ball, and lack of attention to security matters. Hilary's lame attempt to absolve him of all blame is politically motivated and deceptive. It doesn't address the cover up at all.


Well-Known Member
hillary like bill hate the black muslim in the white house. But the money is good to make him look good. If she didn't do her job and 4 Americans died she should be tried and hung.


Well-Known Member
I will hand it to Hillary here, she is a good take-one-for-the-team Democrat. Under the "buck stops here" rule, I don't see this as alleviating Obama from the blame though.
Hilary is clearly "taking one for the team". However, her contention that "the buck stops here" is dishonest. This "bump in the road" was brought about by Obama's policies, spiking the ball, and lack of attention to security matters. Hilary's lame attempt to absolve him of all blame is politically motivated and deceptive. It doesn't address the cover up at all.


Well-Known Member
is mitt romney not part of the GOP who voted to defund embassy security?

is mitt romney not part of the GOP who watched 3,000+ americans die in a terrorist attack that they were warned about?

is mitt romney not part of the GOP who oversaw 9 embassy attacks the last time they had executive power?

you're a douchebag.
you obviously have no facts if you emphasize that 9 embassies were attacked during Bush's years and use it as proof that Obama is better. You realize how many were attacked last month? way more than 9 dude.

I think the right using this as proof of shitty foreign policy need to realize that we've been attacked by Muslim extremists during every presidency going back to Carter. The left trying to cover up the cover and deny fault need to realize the people don't expect perfection, but when you screw up we expect you to admit fault and learn from it. If you never admit mistakes you will never learn. That's my issue with this whole drama.

TARP was counted in Obama's first budget, as was the stimulus. We ended the unfunded Iran war. Now, eliminate those 3 major costs from his spending and you'll see that he's STILL increased spending.

Iran has 15000 security officers, France has 15 marines stationed at that embassy year round yet you want to blame the funding cuts. Couldn't take a handful of people from Iran? I mean we're not really there anymore according to you guys. Is the French embassy that much more dangerous than Bengahzi?

I'll never understand why people would hold the party they hate to a higher standard than their own. That's how this perpetuation of SHIT occurs. It's always the other guys fault.