Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
a fat cunt in a suit impacted with so much of his own poop he died on the can,,,,the ultimate insult

Dont get me started on the benifits of bentonite ha ha

mr west

Well-Known Member
so u use it then yeah? Does ebay sell it lmao? My problem is i drink nothing but tea all day every day and it dehydrates ya to fuk lol, its my own bloody fault really wth my caffeeen addiction to pg tips tea. I have a cup of tea with every joint lmao, so we looking at twenty plus a day.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ha ha thats too funny Im the exact same way with coffee....love the combination of the buzzz. Just need to drink more water!! I can drink a couple of cups before bed and go right to sleep,,,makes me think I have some sort of adhd lol

I do have that stuff in my cupboard I think the layer of dust on top means Im not using it enough

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have to take tablets to control my bladder lol, im my own worst enemy lmao, I end up sitting up all night waiting for my bladder.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Cutting back?!? now your going to make me feel guilty bout all my java....on my third cup. In the past hour lol. I get about two or three cups a bowl,,,thats a lotta coffee!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Another rain day just friggen pouring,,,no bills get paid today. Got some weed curing and more coming down next week...that'll keep the bill collectors away for another month lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I have both too so Im fine.....

Trying out some BB at the moment, little fresh it just went into jars yesterday and needs more of a cure but the stone is very nice!!

About to head over to my gals for lunch with a BB glow :) Hey reggae thanks man, and I glad it helped. Those old queens are going to give you some nice buds off the top. My cuttings are potted...just going to have to rearrange the veg room for a week or so lol. Ill take pics of them later on

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Just getting back from the hydro store thought I would take a couple of quick pics of the veg room. The new clones are ready for some more light so they will go where the BB are and the BB will get some side lighting for a while I guess lol. The BB are now going to be out of rotation because of the 48 clones but I think I'll let them get a little more bushey and put them in the other budroom when the Ice comes out in a couple of weeks


mr west

Well-Known Member
I would so love to have a room i could grow in instead of small tents tucked in the corner of my living roomk

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there westy how many cups today?? Got one here next to me Ill have to count lol

Yeah the circumstances just to seemed to all fit here to have a stealth op so I went for it. Kinda had to actually with the economy in the tank over here the last four years