Higher fem % help?

I'm growing in a small box which will become a LST, SCROG CFL grow and im starting with non-femenized seeds which means i got one shot at it and i don't want to grow a plant and to all that work just to chop it. I've read around and have seen numerous people talk about different ways of increasing the chance a seed will sprout female whether it be before it germinated or during veg. One of the ones i saw with alot of hype was placing seeds in a plastic zip-lock bag with a banana peel which releases ethylene gases that somehow increase the feminine chance for seeds. Has anyone tried this? does it work? Please post other ideas...


Well-Known Member
I tried the banana religion and it did not work at all

though there is a lot of competent research on ethelyne gas itself, my though is that it would take about 100 bannana to actually work (if then)


Active Member
Jorge Cervantes says that low temps and blue spectrum light increases the chances of a female. I usually sprout the seeds with cold water in paper towel for about 2 weeks and then plant the sprouts in the dirt. I keep the temps between 60 and 70 degrees and use 6 40-watt cool white flouro tubes. I get 65% to 75% females every time. If you have 10 seeds, start with 5. When the plants get to the 8th set of leaves it should show a pre-flower letting you know the sex. If you can't wait that long to find out, you can always make a clone and flower the clone once it is rooted.