High humidity at night in WI, what to do?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, Im about 6 weeks deep in flower in WI with three more weeks to full maturity. I had some American Dream going but they started flowering with 8.5-9hrs of dark so they are done.. Thehad a tiny amount of bud rot, I only lost about a gram whoopdeedoo, but I dont want to lose the rest of these, even if I have to pull early....
I have SourD and LUI x LA Con, and Snowdawg still growing, but humidity is high as hell at night, 80-90% or more if a fog is hanging low and 50 degrees (lower coming up). During the day its 55-70% humidity with temps in the high 70's. Been hand watering cuz no rain, but lots of rain coming next week :wall:. The plants are around 3.5-5ft tall with many branches, and not one big cola. SHould I harvest before the rain or will they make it?


Well-Known Member
I know no one will be able to say for sure, but does anyone have any ideas/ recomendations?


Well-Known Member
Ok, pics are coming if I remember to bring my camera today. I was reading and I hear spraying plants with Bacilus Subtilus will help prevent bud rot. A general rule of thumb is to make sure ur buds dry out all the way to the center, daily. If they stay wet for longer u will definately be a candidate for rot.


Active Member
is it ok to bring the plants inside during these same weather conditions? I brought mine inside and set her infront of a window, put a fan and two regular incandesent lamps on her for the day. Im considering doing this every other day since its been so rainy here. I did the same last year, but got white powdery mildew about 2 weeks before they were ready last year and just chopped early, I want to avoid the same mistakes of last year, but Im paranoid of bud rot


bring them inside and put a fan on them and theyre fine for the night. put them outside if you got sunlight at all or maby get a small hps to supplement them some light