HID Electrical Extension Cord Question..


Well-Known Member
I have a 600 MH Digital Ballast and my power cord that plugs into the wall socket and the ballast... well the side that connects into the ballast is loose, so I basically have the cord jimmied against the wall to keep it into place.. it is a 300V 14AWG cord. Can I replace that cord with a 300V 3C/18AWG cord? Really don't feel like burning down my house for the next while, lol. Thanks for your responses.


Well-Known Member
Man you guys are the best with your fast responses, thank you so much too Jonsnow, it means so much to me as I have a grow ready to hit flower and this jiggly cord is damn sketch just jimmied against the wall lol. Three Blue Mystics, an Aurora and 6 freebies i've had from Nirvana for a while.. grew out the Aurora already(Just my second grow so far.. if you can't tell asking these noob electrical questions.. :) ) Loved the Aurora though! Again thank you guys so much for your help not to mention the burning the house down part..Much love and mad respect. <3 <3