Hermies roots entangled

ski guy

Had 2 plants in bubbles 1 hermied and i cut down. Roots are really entangled!! Should i leave or cut apart? Thanks!!!

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Raise the water to cover as much of the roots as possible, if not not all.
Try to untangle what you can with the help of the water being your "lubricant".
Doing this with them in the air will surely rip way more roots than you would ever want to.
Once you feel you can't get them anymore seperated, it's time to start cutting.
TRY to cut as little of the females roots as possible.
As you see floaties, scoop them up but be careful too.
This would also be a good time to get a product like Hyrgozyme, or some other similar product.
Basically the enzymes will break down the dead root matter for consumption by the remaining healthy roots.