Hermi seeds


I've heard a lot about hermi plants and the "fact?" That seeds from hermis' are 99% female. I wanted to know experienced opinion on this.
Also if these seeds are def fem how do you get/harvest them?
Thanks :leaf:


Active Member
"We also found that after all that trouble of removing males, we sometimes ended up with females that switched sexes when they were stressed, resulting in accidental cross breeding – female plants were pollinated by females that developed male sex organs (hermaphrodites). We decided to grow out those seeds and, to our joy, we discovered that the ratio of females to males was skewed to a greater number of females. This was our discovery of hermaphroditic breeding." Its not 99%, just a high ratio of females, and i have heard that you can get a lot of hermaphrodite seeds from hermies.


I have a grow going of just bag seeds(first time with them) and I know that bag seed is prone to hermi-itis and I do want some fems of this strain so if they end up being drag queens I want their fem seeds to start over but I'm unfamiliar with the process of harvesting seeds. I don't know if they are hermi yet or not but they have optimal living conditions and are well taken care of so just hoping for the best.


Well-Known Member
If your growing in optimal conditions then you'll have a much better chance of having females as long as the stress is minimal, no light leaks, and some TLC that should boost your male to female ratios.


Well-Known Member
i have grown out some hermie seeds, about 5 so far
one of them was a male, which seemed to be unlikley
but there it was, so for me it's been an 80% chnace of female, not bad for free


Well-Known Member
If you had seeds from a real, dioecious hermaphrodite the resulting plants would be about 50% hermaphrodite, 25% male and 25% female.
If you have seeds from a monoecious hermaphrodite, you have feminized seeds and will get 99.99999995 female plants.


Well-Known Member
First and foremost, self pollinated marijuana seed will often grow more hermies. They are unfortunately trash to an extent but this is a good opportunity to learn proper seed harvesting techniques. Seed will be mature when pods start to open. A mature seed will be "tiger striped". You are correct in assuming that you will harvest and cure in the same fashion because the flower is still good although not ideal because of your harvest time being dictated by seed maturity and not trich maturity. After my bud is dried and before I start curing I remove seed by hand. Be sure to place something beneath your hanging buds to catch falling seed. As far as storage goes I always use an air tight container with a few grains of rice/ten seeds. Some say refrigerate or freeze but I do not. Think about condensation. I am afraid if I freeze and then remove seeds from the freezer the condensation inside the container will spoil or possibly germinate seeds. Good luck