Heard that glass sheilded light prevents the color change of chrystals?


So the other day while at a dispensary I frequent. I began talking about my eagerness to harvest and how I had read recently, on here I believe, that THC is at it's most potent while still clear just turning milky as apposed to the milky turning amber that most everybody goes by. I know/read that more amber means more narcotic and such but this spurred a tangent from the clerk. He stated that he had heard/read, "somewhere", that glass shielded lights block out a part of the light that inhibits the trics from changing color. Is there any truth in this you guys or do I just need to ask for whatever he's been medicating with?


Well-Known Member
i personally use a cooltube and my trich's turn amber i harvested just the other day with a 30/70 amber milky split.
