

Well-Known Member
Couldn't find a thread on hash making. About to harvest. What's the best way to separate the terpenes from the trim and what's the best way to make a ball of hash. No wax or other concentrates. I just want a fat ball of hash. Dense!!!


Umm... well id recommend just drying and shaking over a screen if you dont want any "concentrates". That would give you kief then press into hash. I prefer bho though. easy and potent. Been thinking about some bubble hash though.

Many threads about hash here. Google is your friend. in the time it took you to write this thread you could have found plenty of how to make hash threads.

banks dank

Active Member
Kief box works ok...dry ice method works well from what ive seen. Ez and simple. You can youtube
it theres a good tutorial. When I harvest I plan on using dry ice method...


Well-Known Member
Bubble hash would be the way to go. I use 4 bags. 220,160,120 and 75. Check out youtube on how to do it. dry ice works and you could get away with 1 bubble bag. I've used the 220. But dry Ice trashes the bag pretty fast. You'll also get a lower grade hash. Also good Vids on youtube.


New Member
For doing dry sieve. You'll need a silkscreen that they use to print t-shirts. They are pretty easy to find. Set the silkscreen over a mirror or flat service. Rub your leaf material over it till it breaks down. I do mine in small batches. A credit card work greats for scooping and moving the plant material around. Once you collect the Keif. Post up and I'll tell you how to press it into hash.


Well-Known Member
I am calling bullshit here.. There are several threads on here that are made a sticky..so not going to believe your not finding anything on making hash. You just want everyone to jump and tell you what to do..