Half Oz Blunt - Gods Gift or a Waste of Weed?


Active Member
Hey all!
So lastnight me and some friends decided that regular 2-5 gram blunts just were not enough. We stepped it up and bought ourselves a superblunt. For anyone that doesn't know what that is just picture an ez roll x10 . It's just one big wrap that can hold like an ounce. We decided on a halfy cuz were all pretty broke hah. Anyway I still don't know if it was worth it. It burned for an hour and fifteen minutes and after a while it wasn't gettin me high. How do you guys feel about blunts that big , good idea or just a waste? Theres a pic of the blunt on my profile pic what do ya think?



Well-Known Member
As long as your not putting super good herb in there than I say go for it. I think that blunt wrap is awesome.


Well-Known Member
total waste imo. Blunts are cool, but I really think they cross the line of excess. Especially for someone like me who can't afford a lot of weed at once. I'd rather just load of bowl of my favorite piece and reload it until I'm feeling satisfied.


Active Member
Yeah we kept it to outdoor buds to keep it cheap. It took about an hour to break it all up. We had 2 people break it up a little with there hands to get all the stems out then had another person take the broken up nugs and put it through a grinder.


Well-Known Member
Smoking blunts that big is more of a novelty thing. But hey it sure is fun. Ive done it before with a half oz. And ya...you can only get so high.


Well-Known Member
i roll 1/4 oz or better spliffs when i go to concerts or festivals...i like the people around me to feel as good as i do:mrgreen:.but when its me and a couple buddys we just keep to the 2-3g spliffs


Well-Known Member
I was in Amsterdam When The SLH won the CC, And rolled a 10g Blunt for me n my Girl and it just got us so-stoned then no higher! i say waste half oz!


Well-Known Member
its a waste if the weed is not plentiful. we prefer the weed be plentiful so's the tokers not be scavengers. can only get so high though. I'd also call it a novelty item.


Well-Known Member
i have a cheech and chong zig zag (i know some of you know what im talkin bout) ifi dont get one of them to sign it by summer next year, im using it. also this thing could hold a half pound i swear. its about 12" x 20".

OP-you guys rock, an hour and fifteen minutes of a huge fat joint burning ....it just sounds great. not a waste of weed imo. its not like an everyday thing so fuck it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
some strains have a ceiling of high. you could smoke a kilo and be no higher than the first half oz. just high for longer.