H2O2 bath effect taste ?


Well-Known Member
Don't know where this really belongs, as it is not about a problem...but of one concerning taste.
Guess people who frequent the Problem forums would know, but they seem to always be pushing chems.

Mods feel free to move it and I'm sorry if it's in the wrong place.

Anyway found PM on a few leaves ( just a few spots ) and being really anal on taste, smell and high on what I grow I'm debating whether to give them all a bath.
I've had PM before and it was always some dumb ass thing I did or forgot to do, but again it was never more then a few leaves and never anywhere near the buddage. I kept on top of it and kept it quiet until harvest.
Happened maybe 3 times in 4 years.

Now I smoked that herbage I grew that had the PM before ( Treated it of course ) and nothing bad happened to me, but I wonder sometimes...?

I saw that video that Jorge has and the buddage he put in the tub...I couldn't see any PM on it before he dunked it ,but it still oiled up all icky. I looked at the buds I've grown before with a 60 X and didn't see anything funny, but maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.

Please tell me that it doesn't effect taste !

And if it doesn't affect taste why the heck is everybody not doing it !?

If your a closet grower like me just think of all the crap that would be washed off , PM or not. I keep my grow room pretty clean, even being disabled, but stuff still gets in there. Dust, hair you name it. It's not like the buds are furry but even one hair on a bud is gross enough.

Bored, stoned, done...peace.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...my clones almost always get Powdery mildew, but as soon as they get roots it goes away..a plant under stress gets PM...a healthy plant will not...so...find out what is upsetting the plants...and I don't know if H202 would leave a taste, but I hate the weirdo smell of it, so I wouldn't use it if it were me...I also wouldn't let a flowering plant with PM continue on flowering...it is no big deal during veg but in flower it can be an issue...and I just wouldn't trust a bud that had once had something on it...
and if the PM is just on some lower leaves and not anywhere near the buds then I wouldn't worry too much...you can smell mold and mildew...if your dry product smells really really strong of ammonia, then you are harboring mold and/or mildew


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...my clones almost always get Powdery mildew, but as soon as they get roots it goes away..a plant under stress gets PM...a healthy plant will not...so...find out what is upsetting the plants...and I don't know if H202 would leave a taste, but I hate the weirdo smell of it, so I wouldn't use it if it were me...I also wouldn't let a flowering plant with PM continue on flowering...it is no big deal during veg but in flower it can be an issue...and I just wouldn't trust a bud that had once had something on it...
and if the PM is just on some lower leaves and not anywhere near the buds then I wouldn't worry too much...you can smell mold and mildew...if your dry product smells really really strong of ammonia, then you are harboring mold and/or mildew
Thanks....but that doesn't really answer my question.

I know where the PM came from and why. I also stated that it was indeed on the lower leaves and no where near the buddage.

I just want to know about the taste of the buds after a dunking in H2O2 at harvest.

I'm only 7 days from harvest.

That video has made me paranoid ,that ,even if it is on the lower leaves ( and the worse I've ever had, put all together, wouldn't fit into one decent size fan leaf ) because I saw no sign of PM on the branches he dunked.
And I see no signs of PM on my plants either.
Haven't for awhile.

Just makes you wonder..


Well-Known Member
The makers of the fine product Mighty Wash make a PM wash also, never had PM so I've never used it but if it works anything like their fine mite killing product does it will certainly take care of that PM. Oh sorry, didn't even touch on your question , mainly because I have no clue but certainly don't like the idea of smoking mold/mildew , although having smoked weed for several decades who knows wtf I've ingested.


Well-Known Member
Argh !

My question is about the taste after an H202 bath, not on the how's and the why's and whozzits for PM. I already know that.
I've gotten that part under control.

The PM is not the problem...ok ? I've gotten it under control.

Just the taste after a bath....just the taste.

That's all I want to know.

If anybody can spot any PM on any of those branches before he dunked them, please let me know ! I didn't see squat.

Need to figure out how to post a link so people can see for themselves.

Gave me the willys.


Well-Known Member
actually I think I can kinda answer that with no experience whatsoever, h2o2 is nothing more than water with an extra oxygen molecule, after releasing that extra molecule it becomes nothing but water , so I'm gonna say no it will not affect taste.


Active Member
No effects on the taste of the weed but the problem is the wash strips the plants protective oils to remove the pm someone told me it may lower thc content.