Growing Under the Stairs with CFLs (My Video Journal)


Weed Modifier
no its not we are getting ready to have a party soon as i invite some old friends
Hey man so i here there is a party here...How are you Gnerd??? are you going to join in the topics of this will be about you...I promiss!!! You don't want to miss it!

Regga always misses the parties...he will be pissed....again!!! lmao


New Member
where is reggae im sure he might nut up on a muthafucker if he finds out he didnt get a invite did u forget to invite him greennerd i hope not he wont be happy when he finds out he missed a party

Hey man so i here there is a party here...How are you Gnerd??? are you going to join in the topics of this will be about you...I promiss!!! You don't want to miss it!

Regga always misses the parties...he will be pissed....again!!! lmao


Weed Modifier
he just signed on you may need to send him a link cuz im no good at it!!! lmao
He just replied to him but he doesn't know where we are?


New Member
i sent him a invite to the party he is hosting so not only does he give bad advice but he is not a good host or punctual neg rep if they still had neg rep


Weed Modifier
lol your the one jumping on me its funny how some people think the only way to look smart is by making other people look bad when you were wrong out the gate..... the sign of a real man is the ability to admit when he is wrong guess your laking that ohh well cant help every one.....and i think what i said and what you said are totally different i didn't even read your post bro...... i saw he had a light issue in his first video gave my honest opinion on how to fix had something to say and did not even understand my statement...just like everyone else that's trying to prove how smart they are by nit picking and putting other people down or at least attempting lol..................and his heating issue you told him to cut a 4 inch diameter hole..were? was he going to disguise it?... at least my way its disguised and getting fresh air from the house not hot ass air from the attic........and far far as me trolling i dont troll...think you need to take some time and reflect on your done wit you tho if you still wanna go back and fourth be my guest itll be falling on def ears :finger:...

:bigjoint:As far as the crusifix goes its pritty cool looking :clap: and you got allot of light on it. But for CFL's to work the best you need to have them within 2-4 inches from your plant. you can go to ace hardware and get some shop lights for 5 bux and 5 26watt CFL's for $11 if you cant bring that crucifix closer i suggest add some side lighting..--

Well put.....see all the It's a karma thing!!! lmao


Weed Modifier
Hey boys sorry I'm late...where is the man of the hour lol
He is hiding....he signed off that is too bad to looks like people are coming and he is a no show

fab even sent him an invite!!! lmao

I'm reading all the post and replying to them kinda funny shows how immature people can get sometimes...


Weed Modifier
damn lime great work +rep seems he leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth
You are a good teacher fab...thank you for the recognition! I'm trying ....reading up on this thread to better understand this GUY! So i can be more prepared for the next time we meet!


Weed Modifier
isn't that what i already said, with some crafty revising..:?:

"that keyboard is your weapon, there are many like it, but that one is yours, your keyboard is your best friend. It is your life. you must master it as you must master your life" -internet-thugs creed.

i see making immature comments to other's has been present in these fabulous past two month's of having you here in the RIU..

i suppose i could bring up other awesome shit post's you've delightfully brought to us.. that would be a complete waste of bandwidth though.

keep up the negativity alex, I'm confident you'll find out soon that negativity is not welcome..


GreenNerd420- i wish you the best of luck. keep it up.
I would like to see some of these posts too!!!


Weed Modifier
Thanks guys. Don't get all defensive and upset over other's comments. If you do, please message that person and chew their ass. I hate flame wars. Keep the (peace) .

I hurt my White Widow by not giving it enough breathing room (it's not relevant to this journal, but I thought I'd show you the new "veg" room) that I setup last night. It's nothing spectacular, honestly.

Take you own advise man....Keep it Real!!!