growforgood904 grow journal


Well-Known Member
All right! first update since transplant. Got a litte yellowing on the BC both a and b .. mostly lower leaves. Should those be removed?

BC a:
100_2875.jpg 100_2876.jpg 100_2877.jpg 100_2878.jpg

BC b :
100_2896.jpg 100_2897.jpg

100_2892.jpg 100_2893.jpg 100_2894.jpg

The K-Train is looking good. going to take care of that one since its the only one i got.(for now)


Well-Known Member
Now we have
Cannadential a :
100_2879.jpg 100_2881.jpg 100_2882.jpg

Cannadential b :
100_2883.jpg 100_2884.jpg Notice the fat leaves on this one! 100_2885.jpg


...... This is where they rest!


Jorges Diamonds!




..Temps on room high in day is 85dgrz max hum 59% and low 72 dgrz and huum 36%.. will this produe good ganja?


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking nice. I think you might want to keep the leaves unless they fall by themselves.


Well-Known Member
I was strolling thru my babies make sure they were good. and found this little fucker!:cuss::cuss:
Now the only thing i can think is my soil is stored outside! is that a big no no?




Well-Known Member
all right.. sorry it has been a minute got lazy. not with my plants just havnt been on the comp.
ok so Day 26.

Temp: 84dgrz in day/ 74dgrz night temp

Nutes: 1tsp per gal of Liquid Karma and 1tsp Botnicares Bloom feed

Transplant: CD a and b /and BC b to 3gal containers. roots were already growing thru the small black ones i tried.

Jorges Diamonds was also transplanted to a slightly bigger pot i got from the dollar store. Roots looked very well I didnt get any pics tho.:eyesmoke:

Something new i tried is plant managment. Taking hooks or wire and bending plant down. hopefully that works. i did it to the Blue Cheese a .. and also to Canndential B. here are the pics of how i did it.

Please let me know what u think

:cuss::cuss:Damn thing wont let me upload!!
says missing security token. does anybody know what that means?

Sorry. it sucks to just read shit with no pics. will try again later!!


Well-Known Member
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Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

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sorry guys will try tomorrow!! bongsmilie:blsmoke::eyesmoke: or whatever!!


Well-Known Member
This is the way i cut my clothes hangers to hold down the plants. word is this will help the yield. figured i wld try it.





This is Blue Cheese A. I did this one the day prior. Notice it has already faced back towards the light!




And this is my topped Blue Cheese B. I want wo see whick yields more. topped plant or lst


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hey man looking good! I like you're experimenting with different techniques. Just remember LST is going to take longer to develop, meaning you'll probably want to veg it a little longer than the topped one.


Well-Known Member
Thats right. Glad u reminded me! i am moving this weekend. in a much bigger closet andi should have plenty of space as of now i do not.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yo Growforgood nice setup you've got going ! that k train will rock your world man its a great strain all the beasty characteristics of the trainwreck and the flavour of kush. i got just shy of 4 Oz from mine. good luck man!



Well-Known Member
Alright. so this week I am up for a bit of a challange! maybe someone can help a fellow stoner out! I am moving to a new house this week. i get the keys tonight.
Here is the closet.

100_2982.jpg 100_2983.jpg100_2984.jpg100_2985.jpg

Now i only get half of this closet! :cuss: Wifey says its big enough.

Now my prob is how will this affect my babies. i am going over to home tomorrow night to get my ducts in a row. So when i move Plants and lights & fan i can just hook them up to the ducts.

I am sure it is not going to go that easy so maybe some tips from someone who has moved a grow!