growforgood904 grow journal


Well-Known Member
Thanks Skybike!! i will try that. i was using it as a homemade dome.. but see little help. so i will take off and see what happens.
heres my nute order,flush every other watering use med. amnts of nutes as directed,jus a an idea ,24 oz, of mix variety,very strong weed, never had a yellow plant that i couldnt bring bak or lose,lol ,in 9 yrs.


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
heres my nute order,flush every other watering use med. amnts of nutes as directed,jus a an idea ,24 oz, of mix variety,very strong weed, never had a yellow plant that i couldnt bring bak or lose,lol ,in 9 yrs.
Yo raiderman, what's in your anti-wilt spray? And what are the bags of brown stuff next to the bottle?


Well-Known Member
sorry so slow on updates. weekends are busy with family being home!!! but here are some pics of the ladies.. well 3 of them for sure .. the 2 cannadentails are growing really good.. my last Blue Cheese to crack has came thru ground now ..

***day 6***
top one is Ktrain and bottom is Blue Cheese A ..

***day 6***
right 2 are cannadentail a and b
top left is Ktrain and bottom left is Blue Chees A .. and middle is Blue Cheese B

***this is on day 7***
this is the Blue Cheese b .. the last to germ


Well-Known Member
ok got my shit damn near where i want it.. well kind of.. i cant put my 400watt where i want it .. it will have to stay in the middle of the room for now .. so here are some pix . maybe u can see what i am talking about ..

This is my babies at 1wk after germination


Blue Cheese on the left, Cannadential on the right and K-Train in the middle


I am far from handy man.. But proud to say i did it all by my lonesome,, after several Toke breaks!!bongsmilie



This is the room before..


is it ok for the ballast to be up that high?




ok thats it for the day.. thanks for tuning in and check back in a couple of days for updates!!!

back to my Urban Gardning mag.. u should check it out.. really good grow mag... really!!!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Nice job with the room! Looks awesome!

The ballast should be fine, as long as it's secured...

Keep it up! Those seedlings have a nice life ahead of them!

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Howdy Grow4good and Jerry!

Man, your changes have turned it into pro...congrats....

I'm also growing a Blue Cheese and tomorrow will be 7days old, have a look what it looks like....

Be my guest to say or ask anything guys!!!

Latin Weed Grower!


Well-Known Member
I know its early and a lot of pics but i am so damned excited! many years of thinking aboutit and now finally getting to do it!! Thanks to a hit and run accident and a good lawyer. and voila! 2000$ settlement! much needed flow for the project.. may have went in over my head and bought shit i dont need, but whos to say?






do any of u good kind people think that the lights are too close? there is no heat whatsoever!

they look very happy to me! they listen to BoB most the day when i am not in there, and i think they be jammin!!
well i have to go talk to you guys tomorrow!

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Howdy Bro!

That's it, excitment and MUSIC to their ears............

Man, about the heat, just place your hand between the lamp and plant then if it feels nice for your hand is for hem far as I know....

Keeping track...


Well-Known Member
Distance looks fine to me.. and what latin says works as well.
I know man... most of us are in the same boat growing is a lot of fun and especially your first one ;)

B.C Chef

Active Member
Distance looks fine to me.. and what latin says works as well.
I know man... most of us are in the same boat growing is a lot of fun and especially your first one ;)

You said it....haha I check my buds every 20 minutes on my days off and they are the first thing I check each morning.

Hey growforgood I thought i'd switch over and chat in your journal instead of the other thread.

I'm sorry to hear about the k-train!!! But don't worry your blue cheese is going to blow your mind! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey i have benn running my lights 24/7 . should i switched to 20/4 or 18/6? please any comments would be great. as i think i am not supposed to be running lights for this long. thanks

B.C Chef

Active Member
Your plants will grow 24/7 if you leave the lights on 24hrs a day. Most people say they don't really notice much if any of a difference from 18/6 but the science says 24/7 is best. The prob with that is the hydro bill.


Well-Known Member
quick update.

My 400 watt MH and 6" inline fan is way too loud for me to sleep to so i switch it at night to my t5 setup .

Question 1. is this going to affect the growth of my lil ladies?

With my 400 watt and fan on temps stay at 75-79 dgrz and hem of 40 -48%. and when i switch it while i sleep to my t5 the temps go up to 84dgrz.



Well-Known Member
this unfortunatly has nothing to do with my babies.

yesterday i take a nap after a hectic day to say the least. i wake up to my 10mo old and get him and bring him on couch with me. then my 13 yr old runs in and says some is getting beat up in our yard!! what!?!? i look outside and see a man in mid 40s prob getting pummled by 5 teens!!! i put my son down and run outside. mind u i just woke up 2 min earlier. the kids kind of back up when i go out. the man is yelling to call the cops!! sorry bro. i cant just call the police. the kids were so ramped up they were just about to fight me. until i walk towards them that was.. little kids to!!! i asked the man what happend he reaks of alcohol. said he was just taking his kids to the park which is right across the street. i got blood all over my clothes and face.. my sidewalk and front porch. now i am pissed. my 3 boys looking thru the window at these fools. my wife was at the hospital with her grandmother. so i gv the guy a paper and pen . and 30 min later POLICE shows up. didnt even come to my door . i am glad though,, but hour later them kids back out there.

def didnt foresee this shit!!!


Well-Known Member
this unfortunatly has nothing to do with my babies.

yesterday i take a nap after a hectic day to say the least. i wake up to my 10mo old and get him and bring him on couch with me. then my 13 yr old runs in and says some is getting beat up in our yard!! what!?!? i look outside and see a man in mid 40s prob getting pummled by 5 teens!!! i put my son down and run outside. mind u i just woke up 2 min earlier. the kids kind of back up when i go out. the man is yelling to call the cops!! sorry bro. i cant just call the police. the kids were so ramped up they were just about to fight me. until i walk towards them that was.. little kids to!!! i asked the man what happend he reaks of alcohol. said he was just taking his kids to the park which is right across the street. i got blood all over my clothes and face.. my sidewalk and front porch. now i am pissed. my 3 boys looking thru the window at these fools. my wife was at the hospital with her grandmother. so i gv the guy a paper and pen . and 30 min later POLICE shows up. didnt even come to my door . i am glad though,, but hour later them kids back out there.

def didnt foresee this shit!!!
Wow that is a crazy story! lol "Sorry bro, I can't just call the police"...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
That shit is crazy! I watched some guy get arrested out front of my house the other day...I thought they were going to knock on my door for sure, and I had just smoked in the house so...could have been bad news.

Glad your situation worked out ok too, despite all the mess and having to explain what happened to your kids...

As for the MH/t5 situation...84 isn't too bad, but 74-79 is probably better for the girls. I'd be more concerned with the quality of light from the t5's--while they are good, any High Intensity Discharge (HID) light will produce more lumens/watt, and has far greater penetration. But t5's are are fine, especially if you need to sleep! Edit: Because your plants are still seedlings, the t5's should be fine by themselves...

Regarding 24/7 light...I figure that in nature, the plants will never have that much light. Different biological processes take place in plants during their dark cycle, so I always figured its best to let them have a little night time. They plants still grow during the dark cycle anyway, so maybe save yourself 6 hours/day of energy costs. But everyone is different, and certain things work for certain people. You'll figure it out I'm sure.

And keep the plants as close to light as you can--just be careful as they get bigger, because they will grow into the light and burn themselves (one of mine last night decided to grow into a cfl...singed the tip pretty good, but no worse for the wear.

Keep up the good work!