getting clones in ontario?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Well ive only been on here since june.
I post alot on this and other sections of the site and even have more likes than messages but even i havent made any hook ups with anyone to even meet nevermind talk about trading or buying anything.
Yup it's like spy versus spy around here......kokok.jpg

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Well ive only been on here since june.
I post alot on this and other sections of the site and even have more likes than messages but even i havent made any hook ups with anyone to even meet nevermind talk about trading or buying anything.
Once long ago rnr was so mad at me he tried to hook up to my bum. He said he wanted to kick or do something to me old nether regions...disgusting as that sounds. I successfully hid long enough that he went away.


Well-Known Member
Not that ive seen either,
Thats the shitty side of things on here. Because everything is illegal we cant share more openly and help each other.
With the cost of seeds and the time and stuff being involved the thought of meeting up with guys and trading cuts would be awesome lol

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I know a few folks here...all good dudes.
CD's WTF ??? You like the Bee Gee's or Ktel records. I've got the Monkey's greatest hits...only it's blank cause they didn't have any greatest hits. It was a real waste of money from my paper route.


Well-Known Member
Ive been told worse than that too lol
Theres been as many dicks as good guys on here but u have to take the good with the bad.
I hope one day we can all meet up seriously if for no other reason than just to put a face and voice to everyones personalities.


Well-Known Member
Ive bought a tray of clones from toronto420. All but 3 were rooted and healthy. Nice trees. I was trying to get some new genetics and met billy budz guy in toronto. He sold me 6 diff strains. bigger plants in 1 gallon pots. When I was looking at them a couple looked male to me. I mentioned this and he said "well ya just grow them out and you'll see if they're male or female" I was like wtf dude. Out of 24 plants I ended up with 8 females, 2 keepers.


Well-Known Member
I got nothing against calm (other than prices being on the higher end). However I know a grower that used to sell to them (years ago). He said that they would tell him to make up a name for the strain, so that if people bought it and liked it, they wouldnt be able to grow it for themselves, they would have to keep buying from calm.
They probably dont do that anymore, but who knows.
LCS sells clones I think

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I got nothing against calm (other than prices being on the higher end). However I know a grower that used to sell to them (years ago). He said that they would tell him to make up a name for the strain, so that if people bought it and liked it, they wouldnt be able to grow it for themselves, they would have to keep buying from calm.
They probably dont do that anymore, but who knows.
LCS sells clones I think
They might if you ask. I think they would if your a member...which is free BTW