get over it...


Active Member
says the guy thats worth a quadrillion kazzilion bucks. now thats funny. this guy hasnt a worry in the world but us lowlifes trying to make ends meet should just shut up....

sorry warren, you already lost the argument. we are taking our country back. dick!
Something tells me that you aren't among the people whose taxes will go up under the administration's plan, which means that he's not actually talking to you...sorry.

Do you also think the other billionaires without a worry in the world who are complaining about a 3% tax hike should shut up and quit bitching...? Because that's actually pretty much what buffett is saying here.

And the point he's made about billionaire fund managers paying the 15% capital gains tax while their secretaries pay income taxes at twice that rate is a pretty good one...


Well-Known Member
I heard the first actually brilliant point I have heard come from Nancy Pelosi the other day.

100% of people under Obamas tax plan will keep their tax breaks on the first quarter of a million dollars, and only after that point do the tax breaks no longer benefit.

But I am curious Ruiner, how do you come to the conclusion that Warren Buffet was a architect of this collapse?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Like your av. Another point to be made - Warren Buffet called the foreclosure process 'dancing on the graves' and that there was a profit to be made, and actually there is. But, it is not for me.

Something tells me that you aren't among the people whose taxes will go up under the administration's plan, which means that he's not actually talking to you...sorry.

Do you also think the other billionaires without a worry in the world who are complaining about a 3% tax hike should shut up and quit bitching...? Because that's actually pretty much what buffett is saying here.

And the point he's made about billionaire fund managers paying the 15% capital gains tax while their secretaries pay income taxes at twice that rate is a pretty good one...