friend hardcore defoliated couple plants... need some input

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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
i am quite happy to post pictures of the plants i have grown, and am happy to take on-board constructive criticism
Where are your plants? Like I said last night (which got canned) I think you're another RIU troll....a 15 year old poser.

Put up or shut up,

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
At any rate there is a name for the particular affliction these fools carry through there meager existence. The Dunning Kruger Effect. Dunning and Kruger had gone and proven that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:
  1. tend to overestimate their own level of skill;
  2. fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
  3. fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy
You nailed the psychology I've observed for years in cannabis forum groups, witness some of the characters posting in this thread. Nicely done. akula explained the prevalent Troll-It-Up "confirmation bias" in one of the other defoliation threads. Seems like we've been beating this dead horse for a lonnnnnnnnnggggggg time. There are those that understand what makes a plant tick, and there are those that don't. That's just the way it is.

Cannabis is unlike a majority of plants in that it has imperfect flowers. Not only that but cannabis flowers are lacking a set of petals. They only contain sepals and sex organs. A collection sepals is known as a calyx. Petals and sepals do not photosynthesize. They attract pollinators. if defoliation helps you grow better plants you have a lot of learning to do starting with grow room design!
Someone gets it. ;)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Another nonsense thread these are not fruit tree's or even fruit these are flowers every pod is like a flower leaf that does get energy from the light directly even thru the thc trichs they act as a magnifying glass a lot goes on in the bud.
They're both fruiting bodies. An apple produces seeds. Cannabis produces seeds. The carbos, food, that produces flowers and fruit is manufactured by the leaves.

Take a botany class. You're really coming off as some ignorant fool.


Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bud Brewer
Another nonsense thread these are not fruit tree's or even fruit these are flowers every pod is like a flower leaf that does get energy from the light directly even thru the thc trichs they act as a magnifying glass a lot goes on in the bud.

Whats in red made me damn near piss my pants I was laughing so hard...

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
no mate i am saying, fuck the little bullshitters that talk big and post pictures of average plants, its quite boring
The "little bullshitters", eh? 'Pot calling kettle black' comes to mind.

Who in the hell are you? Where are your plants, big shot?


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bud Brewer
Another nonsense thread these are not fruit tree's or even fruit these are flowers every pod is like a flower leaf that does get energy from the light directly even thru the thc trichs they act as a magnifying glass a lot goes on in the bud.

Whats in red made me damn near piss my pants I was laughing so hard...
No shit. You read some of the stuff in these groups and you can only shake your head and gaffaw! Where in the hell do these goofballs get this stuff? Are they posting so stoned that all common sense and judgement is poof, gone?


Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Uncle Bmeat this is not fruit learn something from this century you don't know shit can't grow shit giving retarded advice you got from the stone age.

Do you want to see my plants again your favorites bigger than anything you have ever done outdoor or in even with a whole summer and endless sun a roots you can't compare that's sad for you stuck in the past.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Uncle Bmeat this is not fruit learn something from this century you don't know shit can't grow shit giving retarded advice you got from the stone age.

Do you want to see my plants again your favorites bigger than anything you have ever done outdoor or in even with a whole summer and endless sun a roots you can't compare that's sad for you stuck in the past.
What was that!? hah! :shock:

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
A one hit wonder for a one hit blunder. This one is for you Bud Brewer....


There is a difference between repeatable results and shit house luck..........


Well-Known Member
IGNORE THE RETARDS!!!!!!!!.........if your saying "shit, he better not be talking about me" ....then it IS YOU:)......the damage is done!....this thread needs to be closed.peace

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Uncle Bmeat this is not fruit learn something from this century you don't know shit can't grow shit giving retarded advice you got from the stone age.

Do you want to see my plants again your favorites bigger than anything you have ever done outdoor or in even with a whole summer and endless sun a roots you can't compare that's sad for you stuck in the past.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Most would be surprised at what fun new things us old crusty fucks can come up with....


And yes I know this is troll bait, so my apologies in


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how defoliation is labeled "advanced" cultivation..., I just spent the last 6 hours looking for any substantial (clinical/peer reviewed) write-ups on cannabis & defoliation (most noteworthy-- were studies based on "pruning") online..

Anyone got any links? or books to recommend??

@alex.. love that song!

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Most would be surprised at what fun new things us old crusty fucks can come up with....


And yes I know this is troll bait, so my apologies in
That is funny! Those guys are some really good musicians! Me? I'd like to try a little of this speed!


Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
That is funny! Those guys are some really good musicians! Me? I'd like to try a little of this speed!

Each and every one of them are Grammy award winning musicians. Most all of us have probably heard them in one of our favorite songs. Many would be surprised who is under some of those wraps!
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