friend hardcore defoliated couple plants... need some input

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New Member
If your charging batteries with solar power, do you get a faster or more intense charge by ripping out solar cells?
Dumb analogy. Plants are living entities capable of adapting and change according to their situation and environment. Batteries are just fuckin batteries.

Also, OP your defoliated plants don't look that bad from the pics you posted.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
You are all a bunch of fucking losers! Look at you all posting all day all week long about drivel that you should have learned in middle school! Then the most moronic attack someone for pushing scientific fact. I would say lay off the pipe and go take some classes at UC Davis but I am quite sure that you rejects from the real world have yet to graduate high school. You are so fucking stupid you can't even see why a professional would be so pissed at your misrepresentation of logic. But please go beat the shit out of your plant... You know best. The bullshit rhetoric started in the early am on a weekday and continued all day long.... Get the fuck out of your mothers basement and get a fucking life! You are arguing against well proven science... You are a luddite, a moron and egomaniac. I am glad people like you all are out there! Otherwise people wouldn't drive all the way out here to cali to buy their meds! Hahahahahahaha

But seriously. Your lives sound pitiful! Go to school and when you do you might learn to respect knowledge and appreciate the work of others before you. Maybe then you can get a job so instead of going online and playing with your little dick all day you could actually help make the world a better place. Or you could just be a worthless, greedy, self serving son of a bitch who only cares about making money. But as I see it now you are neither. Looser Internet wannabes.... Please enlighten me with all you experience growing in a box with house fluorescent light! Hahahahahahaha here is a little science... The peramiters of your experement are inherently FUBAR! If you think you are helping anyone guess again. All you are accomplishing is documenting, in painstaking detail, you ignorence and inadequacy concerning the growth of the one plant in the world which grows everywhere. I gaurantee the majority of you could not get an orchid to bloom if you had ten years to try!
Nice spanking! You laid it out 1,2,3....

Yep, this IS a perfect example of FUBAR, both in mind and spirit.

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