Fox Farm


Well-Known Member
I'll 2nd the gratitude for our armed forces and others abroad serving the country. I hate the wars we are in, but I'm 110% behind our guys and gals. Lots of friends overseas right now.


kinda off topic but i couldnt help noticing that the foxfarm nute dont have calcium in it
has anyone noticed any deficiencies
I fucking love this country! God bless the families of all those who have secured my freedom through their sacrifice.

And I like boobies.
right on tits! ok seriously this arguing is bs we need to be discussing growing. vento i understand you tryin to help this guy out so that he does not get banned and i know thats all you meant by it, but the way it was said i can also see how it was taken offensively which is why i believe that you should have just not said anything to begin w/ regardless of your intentions, if they dont know the rules and get banned well oh well they'll learn the hard way. The forum is for adressing growing questions, so lets do that instead and then bash each other for horrible growing advice or bad techniques at least! xD


Active Member
like what the difference in yeild is going to be if any because i have always had a great turn out with just T12's and straight water.
OP wanted to know if actually feeding your plants would increase your yields?

And If using High Output lighting would increase yields?

Was he looking for somebody to calculate a %increase or something? I don't know... I just thought OP was rude to Vento and clearly needs to read more or ask BEFORE he buys shit he doesn't need. Clearly STRAIGHT WATER works... and if it aint broke, why fix?


Well-Known Member
Right on, I just harvested 8 plants ( 6 Afgani and 2 White Widow) and I was not happy with the yeild at all. So I purchased the Fox Farm Trio and a T5 HO light system. I've got 8 ICE spouts about 3 days old and I just put in 1 TBL of Big Bloom per gallon and thats half of what they call for at this stage. So maybe everything will work out. THANKS FOR THE INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!
shoulda go t yourself a hortilux 600hps, then you would get more yield,
OP wanted to know if actually feeding your plants would increase your yields?

And If using High Output lighting would increase yields?

Was he looking for somebody to calculate a %increase or something? I don't know... I just thought OP was rude to Vento and clearly needs to read more or ask BEFORE he buys shit he doesn't need. Clearly STRAIGHT WATER works... and if it aint broke, why fix?
WOW, Thanks.


Active Member
Wow - i just read a bunch of b.s. bickering posts to try to find an answer to my foxfarm question without over posting. But with posts filled with fighting no wonder people start their own it takes so long to read through all that crap! Elva, what I do know is once I put my plants in foxfarm's soil they doubled. So I imagine the nutes will be worth it to those like us new to the nute game. I just purchased the trio of nutes and am at the point where I am ready to flower. I hate looking at this pretty bottle of "grow big" and jumping straight into the "tiger bloom" but I am thinking that's what's best. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Should I veg a week longer JUST so I can get a week of "grow big" in the plants, or considering they were in ocean forest soil should I just hit the 12/12 forget the "grow big" and go into "tiger bloom." (I think it goes without saying that I started the "big bloom" regardless 'cos its good for all stages.) Thank You! Sorry to hijack your post Elva--I dun'no it that's "allowed" but seems to me you shouldn't hijack posts or create ones on your own - I'm kinda' confused, but I am a newbie.


I've heard that fox farm is excellent. When germinating I'd recommend a 2-1 mix of light warrior and ocean forest and then for mid veg and flowering use 1-2 mix along with perlite and vermiculate. .02

P.S. vento and the guy with the cat pic need to chill.


Active Member
As long as I've been alive I dont think I have ever seen so much hatedred towards one guy for asking a simple question, and it seems like someone ( wont mention any names ) just likes to get the last word. So just take a deep breath and vent it out. LOL:?

Oh yes just the same as pretty much what everyone else is saying is in the ball park. I have been using FF trio for a while with organic soil and I wouldn't use anything else. Some may say differnt but it works for me. Just dont overdose. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I used FF soils and the trios for maybe 6 or 7 good grows. I still use a 2:1:1 ratio of FFOF, light warrior and happy frog for my soil mix ( sometimes I substitute PRO mix 4 in place of the light warrior to make it last longer) . I love the soil....not the nutes, first and foremost if you shake your bottles and hear marbles...dont use they have gone bad. Big bloom will never go bad on you. That being said...I never seemed to use more then 1/4-1/2tsp per gallon of water of both Grow Big and Tiger bloom. Remember that FFOF soil come out at like 1100ppm, or something crazy, so I never needed to use so much nutrient, therefor they sat there and went bad on me. Since I have switched to General Organics line, much happier.


what's your grow medium? maybe soil that already has microbes and NPK in it? i think you're using something with nutrients in it already, otherwise I don't see how you could keep your plants healthy enough to get that kind of harvest without supplying additional nutrients. i use the fox farm lineup and have had good results in soil. never tried a nute-free grow. whatever works for you though