First Grow! White Widow MAX & Afghan x Mazar! 1 week days old

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
Time will tell..but they "should" be ok

yeah i looked up some things about cutting some roots of little plants and wat i found out is that sometimes people cut the roots on purpose.. they cut the roots to trick the plant in thinking that they are still babys... so i doubt that it will damage my plants if some people do it on purpose...
but thanks warkrimez for verifying...
oh and about the temperature and humidity... when the lights are on the temperature is 81 ish and the humidity level is around 44%... when the lights are off the temp is 75ish and humidity is around 45%...
does that seem good?

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
new pics..
these are my plants at about 1week and 3 days..

white widow 1

white widow 2

aghan x mazar

right now i got 8 26 watt cool white cfls over the little plants and i added 2 more at the bottom so they can get light from the sides 2.
i got 2 fans blowing a slight breeze on them
any suggestions or comments?

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
anybody got any suggestions or comments about my plants or my set up?? is it 2 much light?? are they 2 close?? thanks everyone!!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
ok my since i added the extra lights on the side my plants have turned a little yellow.. they dont look dry they are just not as green as they were before.. anybody know why that might happen? is it 2 much light? are the lights 2 close?? and i doubt its me overwatering them because i water them only little every 2 days or when the pot feels light.. i give them filtered water so i think the ph level shudnt be a problem.. any suggestions?? thanks!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
i just went out and bought the Fox Farm Nutrient Trio pack... it comes with Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom... my plants are about 1 week and 5 days.. when shud i add the nutes??? and i dont really know much about the nutrients or how much to add... i dont even know how to mix them and all that stuff... i dont know 2 much about PH.. can anyone sum it up for me??? i would really appreciate that!!!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
so does anyone know how to use Fox Farm Nutrient Trio pack??
like i said it came with Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom.. does anyone know how to use it effectively?? my plants are almost 2 weeks old.. are they 2 young to get nutrients???

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
so does anyone know how to use Fox Farm Nutrient Trio pack??
like i said it came with Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom.. does anyone know how to use it effectively?? my plants are almost 2 weeks old.. are they 2 young to get nutrients???
I would say if you did only try like 1/4th the recommended doses in the next week. Just see how they take it, it shouldn't hurt them diluted that much. Just watch em.