First Grow! White Widow MAX & Afghan x Mazar! 1 week days old

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
anybody know wat a good size pot i shud get?? i want to replant the plants into a pot that will be good to keep them in even during flowering.. wat is a good size pot for my plants??

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
was good fellas.. i know im a litttle over-excited about my babys and 2 u guys its not 2 exciting hahah, things will really get going in the next couple of weeks.. right now i added a heater in my closet and it cranked up the temperature to about 75ish.. its nice and hot in there and i got 2 fans also in there. 1 fan for the plants to make them a little stronger and another fan to help with the circulation.. right now i smoked 2 blunts and blew all the smoke in the closet and closed the door. i heard that its good for the babys to get weed smoke... can anyone confirm that?


Well-Known Member
I dont think that will do any damage as long as it's not tobacco,i think ive read somewhere that tobacco is poisonous to the plants,btw things are looking good for you and your grow...exciting times indeed :)

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
I dont think that will do any damage as long as it's not tobacco,i think ive read somewhere that tobacco is poisonous to the plants,btw things are looking good for you and your grow...exciting times indeed :)
yeah i heard tabacco is poison. but yeah man ill put some new pics tomorrow, they are growing beautifuly, 1 plant has some yellow spots on its plant and its only about 1 week old so i dont know.. hopefully it gets better im probably gonna water it less or check the ph leve.. but besides that my ladys are gorgeou :hug:

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
i went out and bought a thermometer and it reads that my temp is at 81 F and my humidity percentage is at 44%... i dont know if these #'s are good or not but i got a heater in there so if it needs to cool off a little i can always turn the heater down a lever or so.. any suggestions or comments are appreciated!!
by the way the plants are looking beautiful!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
i ordered 10 big bud seeds and 10 northern lights seeds... i shud be getting them soon and im pretty excited! im going to be growing big bud, white widow max, northern lights, and afghan x mazar,
now i got to do this right hahah

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
i have my plants at 18/6 light cycle for vegging right now.. right now they are getting their sleep.. i checked the thermomter and the temperature in my closet is 76F and the humidity level is 50%... is that good or bad?? like i expected the temperature goes down when the lights are off.. so wat do u guys think about the temperature and humidty %?? does it seem about right??
somone please give me some input!! i feel like a loser being the only 1 writing in this thread haha!!
stay high fellas!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
these are my ladies just over a week old
ill have better pics up soon..

any suggestions or comments are appreciated!
these pics were taken yesturday.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
You are losing a lot of light. Look up the DIY Soda Can CFL Reflectors or something similar so you aren't wasting so much light to the ceiling and the rest of the room.

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
You are losing a lot of light. Look up the DIY Soda Can CFL Reflectors or something similar so you aren't wasting so much light to the ceiling and the rest of the room.
wat do u mean im losing alot of light?? and i do have some reflectors that i bought with some light clamps.. and the cfls are about 2 inches away from the plant. in the last picture i lifted the lights so i cud get a decent pic... i got 6 23watt cool white cfls over 4 1week old plants.. can you explain a little better wat u mean by im losing light.
thanks alot bro i appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
you need a reflector above your bulbs to shoot the light down towards your plants,you can make them out of soda cans or beer cans...even tinfoil

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
you need a reflector above your bulbs to shoot the light down towards your plants,you can make them out of soda cans or beer cans...even tinfoil
oh ok i see! that makes sense.. ill use the reflectors i have. ill update the pics tomorrow.. do these little reflectors make a big difference? im still going to do it tho..
i apprecaite it alot!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
well yea coz they direct most of the light down towards your plants,more light=bigger plants
ok kool wat i did right now is i added 2 more 23watt cfls and directed them more on the individual plant.. its hard to explain, ill have to show some pics in a lil bit.. by the way im kind of freaking out cause while i was adding the lights i decided to move my plants from their cd cases they were in in the pictures and i put them in bigger flower pots.. while i was doing this i was being very delicate with the plants... i was easy to move them cause i had the little plants in 1 inch rock wool cubes.. but when i was moving them i ripped some of the roots that were hanging from the rock wool cubes.. is this bad?? im freaking out!!!
i need a response quick!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
So does anybody know if it's bad if I ripped some of my roots off by accident when I was moving my little 1week and 2 days old plant to a bigger pot?
My little plants were in 1 inch rock wool cubes,
Does anyone know how bad it is to rip off some of the roots??
Thanks everyone! a reply will be greatly appreciated!

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
So does anybody know if it's bad if I ripped some of my roots off by accident when I was moving my little 1week and 2 days old plant to a bigger pot?
My little plants were in 1 inch rock wool cubes,
Does anyone know how bad it is to rip off some of the roots??
Thanks everyone! a reply will be greatly appreciated!