First Grow, Thoughts on Sex?


Hi everyone, first time grower here. I've got a few plants, and one that I started weeks before the others. I've been anxiously waiting to determine the sex - need to know if I should paint my first baby's room blue or pink :-P.

Last week I took a couple clones that had been under 18/6 for about 4 days from cutting and put them into a 12/12 box, I'm hoping this should reveal the sex soon :wall:

That being said, while I wait on those, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about these pre-flowers (if that's what they are)... some other areas I thought were pre-flowers eventually turned into leaves :-)



Well-Known Member
hmmmm it might still be a little early to said you took the cutting 4 days ago? usually it takes cuttings about 7-10 days to root, and then maybe another 10 days or so in 12/12 for the sex to show ( actually starting to flower) ....They don't really look like males, but i don't really see the white pistols yet either.....

give it a few more days and take a look. Good luck happy growing Jack ! ! ! :lol:



Don't be telling me that frmrboi :-P I'm hoping this first born is a girl, but I know what has to be done if it comes out a boy. I'll keep fingers crossed and an eye on my 12/12 clones!


Well its been a little over week since I put the clones into 12/12. One of the clones is in pretty rough shape (not shown), but the other is growing strong, and looks to be sporting some pollen sacs . So what ya'll think... time to dispose of the mother, er father?



Well-Known Member
Well, I'm a week too late, but anyway,...yeah, it's a boy, and time to chop. Sorry man, but they're practically worthless, unless you want to breed your own seeds.


First grow, first chop, its still a learning experience none-the-less... now I'll just keep my fingers crossed for the other 3 plants I've got going :-)


Well-Known Member
This is one reason why you plant a bunch of seeds, even so-called Fem seeds are not 100%. environmental factors can effect sex. On my last grow I had it dialed in and flipped to 12/12 when we had a 7 day heat wave. It took me 5 days to control the RH inside my pod which was running high 80s low 90s. The heat stress caused all 4 to become males. Prior to the heat all looked as though they would be females.

Other reasons even seeds from the same batch will grow differently- some will likely be runts, some males...
