Fire OG under PAR/PUR T5's 2nd Grow, Flowering Grow Journal


Active Member
Consider the heat and energy consumptions. Side by side grows of 1000w and 600w systems often show that 600w produce similar weight yields because they do not encounter the same heat issues of a 1000w. I had one years ago and could not keep the temperature in the closet below 90. Robbed me of much bud. 1000w are awesome producers. But, ask yourself: Am I prepared, and capable of cooling the room to 75-80? My 3 600w room required a 424cfm exhaust fan, carbon filter, duct muffler, and 300+cfm air conditioner in the rooms. As the soil dries, my temperature still raises slightly, despite my efforts. The water days bring the temperature down to optimal levels.

I hope you can pull it off. If I were trying to do it, I would consider a cool tube design with a couple heavy duty exhaust fans. Perhaps one exhaust fan per 2 lights. Also, you'll need intake, because even with the pressure created, it wont supply the exhaust with enough air. Consider as well the power consumption. If you didn't know: you multiply the amperage rating of the breaker you are plugged into by the voltage limit, the answer will be the maximum wattage for that breaker. You should never exceed 75% of the equation, or risk electrical fire. You may have to run extension cords around the house covertly to balance the load across the panel.

For example: a 15amp breaker, times the standard 120volts will max out at 1800watts. Though, your should not exceed 1350. Make sense? Good luck and God speed. I would definitely follow a room like that.



Active Member
Consider the heat and energy consumptions. Side by side grows of 1000w and 600w systems often show that 600w produce similar weight yields because they do not encounter the same heat issues of a 1000w. I had one years ago and could not keep the temperature in the closet below 90. Robbed me of much bud. 1000w are awesome producers. But, ask yourself: Am I prepared, and capable of cooling the room to 75-80? My 3 600w room required a 424cfm exhaust fan, carbon filter, duct muffler, and 300+cfm air conditioner in the rooms. As the soil dries, my temperature still raises slightly, despite my efforts. The water days bring the temperature down to optimal levels.

I hope you can pull it off. If I were trying to do it, I would consider a cool tube design with a couple heavy duty exhaust fans. Perhaps one exhaust fan per 2 lights. Also, you'll need intake, because even with the pressure created, it wont supply the exhaust with enough air. Consider as well the power consumption. If you didn't know: you multiply the amperage rating of the breaker you are plugged into by the voltage limit, the answer will be the maximum wattage for that breaker. You should never exceed 75% of the equation, or risk electrical fire. You may have to run extension cords around the house covertly to balance the load across the panel.

For example: a 15amp breaker, times the standard 120volts will max out at 1800watts. Though, your should not exceed 1350. Make sense? Good luck and God speed. I would definitely follow a room like that.

I am going to be running a 8 inch exhaust that will go through the 4 raptor hoods to cool, we are planing on putting about 25kBTU's of ac, with a 6 inch intake. Co2 will come later, but I will be building a fully insulated room in the garage, where I have 2 220 lines allready installed. Also I will be getting 50 amp wire and running 2 new 110's from my breaker box that will be dedicated to the flowering room. I think I have most of the issues covered, but let me know if I am forgetting something. reason we are going to 1000's instead of 600's is the price factor. Here localy 1000's are about 100 dollars cheeper then 600's for some reason. so for 400$ less we will get almost 2X the wattage. Since I am building the room and it wont be in a tent or anything, I think we will be able to keep it at 75 or even lower if we desire. Also where I live there is only about 40 more days of super intense heat before we start cooling down, so even worse case senario would be having to finish up by june each year, hold off for middle of august and then starting up again. have also thought of using a 10inch fan and narrowing it down to 8 through the carbon filter to the lights, would cool them even more. What are your thoughts brother?



Active Member
Final update for this grow. Everything is dried and trimed and sitting in the cure jars right now. Got just over 4 ounces which I am happy with since I had all the issues that I did have. Everything is on hold right now as I get the materials together for the new flower room that I am building. Still not sure on its exact wattage, but it will be between 2000w and 4000w. I am thinking it will be the 2000w system I have envisioned because I would rather spend more money in the building of the room right now rather then more lights that I can add at a later date when I add the co2 to the room. Hope you guys stay around in the thread till I get the new room finished and start the new journal which will be a prepetual grow rather then a 1 and done grow as this was. Snooch to everyone and stay high.



Active Member
Hello again folks, just wanted to post here for any who were following me, that I have my new grow journal started. 2000W Medical Garden, Prepetual Multi Strain Grow will be the new home of my jornal, so please stop by, see how the new room is coming along, and please keep giving me all that good feedback you guys have been giving me since I came to RIU

Snooch to the Nooch!