Fem Ppp Cfl Grow!!!!


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys and girls at rollitup.org:blsmoke:. Well I've been gone for 4 Days, Been down in the NOLA visiting family for fathers day. First the facts Heather has been flowering for 28 days and the three Fruity X have been flowering for 11 Days From seedling. All plants have not recived water for 3 Days & all Plants are doing Great, Despite being neglected for 3 Days. Heather recived a few burns on Her leaves near her bud Sights but shes doing ok:mrgreen:. I feed them as soon as i got home They look to be doing ok:hump:. Heather is Budding all over and looking beautifull:mrgreen:!!! The Three FruityX have not shown there sex yet But are comming along nicely. Well Anyway Check Out the Pics of Layla. I plan on taking two clones of Heather and flowering them in a cup (I'm hoping to make too produce two small colas my little experiment:twisted:.) Well here are some pics unil next time:peace:.



Well-Known Member
What up PERSISTILLSUCCESS, thanks for watching bro:mrgreen:. I'm expecting to get at the least 2 oz but I'm shotting for 4 to 5oz.

I took a clone of Heather today i used Shultz rooting powder. Heathers clone will be kept under a 26 watt light for 24 hrs until she roots (anyone know how long that takes) she will then be put back in the flowering chamber. I'm going to keep her in the cup until she is done. I'm hopping she will produce one small cola. I have no idea if this method will work as i haven't found much information on this. If anyone has any info or done this before please let me know.(I'm going to do it anyway I'm curious as to what the results will be:mrgreen:.) Until next time:peace:.



Well-Known Member
O yea here is a pic of the grow cabinet. I Know its not much to look at but I haven't had much time to work on it, What can i say i'm a busy man between work, school, and my family I have very little time on working on the cabinet. But anyways take a look I know it's kind'a Gheto, I plan on redoing it after this grow when i install a hps light:mrgreen:.



Well-Known Member
Whats up people. I useually don't like to ask for help but i kind of need some... the tips of the leaves on heather are curling down and turning black. I know it's not nute block cause i regulate her nutes preaty well. I was thinking it could be mg def or the lights. So i raised the lights and i gave her some epsom salt. But I could use some ones opinion. So take a look at the pics and let me know what you think. O yea the folliage on the lower leaves are yellowing and dying but i think this is normal since it's not getting that much light.



Well-Known Member
doesnt look too serious, IMO i think youll be good, my plant is kind of doing the same thing but the leaves are just dying all together so maybe you're solution can help me as well.


Well-Known Member
subscribed, i'm going to be growing PPP feminized under cfl's but hydro in about a week (:

looking awesome.


Well-Known Member
It has looked overwatered since I saw the flowering pics. It gets that droopy look too it. Try letting the soil get real dry and not giving it any nutes for a few feedings and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I'm worried about Heather. Bud development is very slow it's been 38 days in 12/12 and not much to show for it.:cry: I water her about once every 3 days and give her nutes about once a week fish fert and fox farm big bloom. Any help will be greatly appreciated. The clone of heather has died due to an accedint with a toppled over light.

On the bright side out of the three fruityX plants that sprouted one is a female and has started to flower:mrgreen:.

I will take pics as soon as possible.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I cut back on the water like a lot of you suggested and today Heather looks ok, Her buds are starting to swell so i guest thats a good sign. I'll just continue to cut back on the nutes and water her less and cross my fingers.

The FruiytX plant is comeing on nicely its a little stretched shes 21 days old flowering since seedling.

Well here are the pics:peace:

O yea thanks for all those who stopped by and gave some advise.

