FDD's De-MODification PARTY.!!.


Well-Known Member
sometimes i put a tissue on my penis and pretend it's a ghost.
Ha that's funny cuz I thought I was the only one to do that, I even draw eyes on it. I kinda get a little scared of it though and try swatting it away but It just swings back and stares at me it's fucking creepy.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
BTW why was FDD stripped of his powers again i think i missed that ?
This is the lounge, it's time for a few facts kiddies. :)

Yes, he was stripped of his global mod powers due to power tripping. fdd got the big head, giving infractions and banning good members without cause, unsticking or moving threads such as my topping thread. He has caused much grief to senior administrators and long term veteran growers. To appease him, he was given mod powers over the glass forums. Sure hope that one doesn't break (pun intended).

IMO, the only reason he's still around is because of his turboposting activities, photos (kids love da pictures) and a strong attraction to noobs who don't know any better. One of his games - after banning me first so I could not defend myself or my positions, was he started trolling my Topping thread (never once posting previously after hundreds of pages and 400,000+ views had passed), posted off topic info regarding a totally different topping and leafing method than what was originally intended, post #1, and then locked down the thread after editing dissenting member posts...... either under his own handle or a sock puppet mod handle, claiming it wasn't him but someone else who locked down the thread....... another frequent and abusive activity as mod and more spin.

Don't like what someone has to say? Wanna spin it, have some fun on the backs of other members? No problem! Give the member a baseless infraction and/or ban them, edit the thread, close it down and play out all the various and sundry games an abusive mod can play.



Well-Known Member
So much Drama over an invisible title, jealousy, envy, hate, not ur typical pot heads in here, damn people smoke a fuckin bong and chill the fuck out, Fdd is a person too, not some internet drug lord running the show and out to get everyone on RIU,(or are u FDD ;) ) If him not being a mod is so important and will impact ur online life so much maybe u should log off and give urself a reality check. Ive taken my share of pokes at FDD but when i did so it was based on my own issues with him, not everyone elses, fuckin sheeple!!! lol ( ok i must credit my secret friend for the sheeple comment lmfao brilliant my dear !!!)

i'm not a mod anymore, they still have to deal with who they are though. ;)

thanks everyone for the kind words. compassion is a rare trait these days. :hug:


Well-Known Member
This is the lounge, it's time for a few facts kiddies. :)

Yes, he was stripped of his global mod powers due to power tripping. fdd got the big head, giving infractions and banning good members without cause, unsticking or moving threads such as my topping thread. He has caused much grief to senior administrators and long term veteran growers. To appease him, he was given mod powers over the glass forums. Sure hope that one doesn't break (pun intended).

IMO, the only reason he's still around is because of his turboposting activities, photos (kids love da pictures) and a general attraction to kids who don't know any better. One of his games - after banning me first so I could not defend myself or my positions, he trolled my Topping thread, posted off topic info regarding a totally different topping method than what was originally intended and then locked down the thread after editing it either under his own handle or a sock puppet mod handle.....yet another frequent and abusive activity as mod.

Don't like what someone has to say? Wanna spin it, have some fun? No problem! Give the member a baseless infraction and/or ban them, edit the thread, close it down and play out all the various and sundry games an abusive mod can play.


it's over ben, you can relax now. :eyesmoke:

sorry i hurt you. hope you can find it in yourself to at least accept it, maybe even some day move on from it. i wish you my best.


Well-Known Member
How did all the peeps that were banned get unbanned? I'm confused here
pretty sure most of the bans were only 7 day bans...

I don't see how anyone can tr uly hold a grudge on the internet... as soon as I go outside and look at my plants I forget about anything that pissed me off on the internet and in real life...


Well-Known Member
if they were they probably did something to seriously deserve it... I mean I talked some serious shit like I was never gonna come back here and they still didn't ban me permenantly...


Well-Known Member
if they were they probably did something to seriously deserve it... I mean I talked some serious shit like I was never gonna come back here and they still didn't ban me permenantly...

you BEGGED me to ban you. did everything you could to get it down. i know you better then that and knew you wer ehaving a bad day. i took that into consideration when i let you vent. i knew eventually you'd come back around. :)


Well-Known Member
Arguing over the internet is like the special olympics. Even if you win you are still a retard.

Sorry, If I don't have "internet feelings"....lol


Well-Known Member
Never been banned so had no clue thanks. This party is lacking in TGE food part cuz I got TGE serious munchies!!


Well-Known Member
you BEGGED me to ban you. did everything you could to get it down. i know you better then that and knew you wer ehaving a bad day. i took that into consideration when i let you vent. i knew eventually you'd come back around. :)
honestly I wouldn't have came back if the other sites weren't so dead and hollow by comparison(not saying that to start shit just being honest)... I mean speedy seedz and riddlem3 were more depressing than I was frustrated on RIU...

I know as a person what I can handle and RIU is easy peasy compared to trying to live with a forum that's either dead or full of people who hate you (speedy seedz.)

some of that shit that happened was fucked up tho, woulda been better off had it not happened.. but I"m glad we're where we're at now.