F*ck my life... Need your help...


Well-Known Member
Day 26 - 18/Apr/09 - Plants
4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 74.8 F
Humidity: 42%
Enclosure: PC Case
Nutes: 12-4-8 at quarter stength, first introduced yesterday
Method: LST

Pic 1-2: these pics are my first plant which seems really droopy i know youll say over water but i left it for 3-4 days and it was still dooping. with the second pic on a few of its leaves there are these browny/blacky/yellowish spots on it. Ive tried diagnosing this plant and its left me scratchen my head. your help would be appreciated.

Pics 3-5: pic 3 is plant two looking pretty good in my opinion. but heres pic 4 a worse case of the browny/blacky/yellowish spots on it. and pic 5 well as you can tell the leafs is yellow which is either cuz its hungry or they just normaly die off(so ive been told).

Pic 6: Heres my set up... older pic back when my plants looked healthy.

Both plants still have top and side growth coming in frequently so i dont know what else to do.

I know theres pc case haters out there thats why ill be switching to a tall dresser soon enough but for now i need to get the basics down and with your help it may be possible. thnx DW



Well-Known Member
the drooping isnt bad... imo at least.. ive seen way way way worse than that.. (3 ft plants almost laying down from dehydration)... do you mean you watered and let the plants sit for 3 or 4 days before taking the pics?? if so did they improve over the 3 or 4 days?? what kind of soil mix are you using??


Well-Known Member
Im using 1/3 all purpose potting soil, 1/3 peat, and 1/3 perlite all from C.I.L.. They did pic up abit after 4 days and i just waterd them yesterday with their first dose of nutes so maybe i should leave it for 5-6 days no water and see what happens... whats your opinion on all the discoloration? thanks DW


Well-Known Member
if they picked up after a few days it could just be a case of over watering.. mainly due to how much water your soil mix can hold and how much water your plant can actually use.. thatll be fixed tho as your plant grows and your root systems grow..

as far as the discoloration... IF indeed your original problem was from overwatering, then it IS possible that those leaves just died.. overwatering cuts off the oxygen the roots need... when the roots are drowned they can kill the plant.. or you can get root rot and shit... i wouldnt worry to much about a leaf here and there.. like jorge says if the leaf is over 50% dead and doesnt seem to be rejuvinating itself then cut it off.. at least the dead part of it... its not a disease or anything.. if it was your entire plant would look like that...

i guess the biggest thing to do is just sit back and keep an eye on them...


Well-Known Member
also.. check your soil bag and see if its fortified with nutes or time release nutes... younger plants are easy to over fertelize.. and a lot of high quality soils come full of nutes and some even have time released nutes.. i lost a few plants due to having soil that was full of stuff, being lame and not checking, and then hitting them with what ended up being more shit than they could handle.. it was sad :(