ever herd of superthrive 50 in 1

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
It rocks, its just hormones and vitamins but it is well know to increase plants chances of survival from germination to finish and can increase yield and help plants bounce back from damage.

Good shit.

I use it as a foliar spray through veg, putting a drop or two in my misting sprayer bottle and soaking leaves and undersides. Then for flower i mix it a drop per gallon (much less than in the mister) and it really helps my plants. During veg i get a very healthy leaf green that is lasting me well through my flower stage. Check my journal- i use a few other walmart products that have done me well- molasses and applejuice, but more recently have been buying better nutes- and now have 7 different bottles of specialized shit- idk... its all crazy, but at some point you will wanna get the good shit.

Super thrive rocks as a suplment being vitamins and hormones, rather than a nutrient.
But nutrients are essential as well.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
In the vegetable growing world, Super Thrive is used as an EMT type of relief. For sick plants. It does very well in this area. However, when your plants are healthy & normal, give them the things that ST does not have.


Active Member
Miracle grow sucks almost killed my plants when I had them in MG soil. Its not much more expensive to get a good soil and some organic nutes like blood meal greensand some guano etc. make a tea out of it real easy not all that more expensive. and superthrive is not a replacement for nutes just some additional vitamins/hormones.


Well-Known Member
Best snake oil money can buy!
I use it it all th time. One drop per gal. or a couple per for a x-plant or other high stress situations.


Active Member
Yeah one drop per gallon of superthrive, if you go overboard you can burn your plants. Don't use SuperThrive when in the bloom cycle because it can prolong the bloom peroid though.


Well-Known Member
I used it recently for some clones I did. I poured some PH'd water in a cup and a drop of ST let them soak for a bit then put rooting hormone and put in medium and then under a humidity dome, I didn't experience any wilting and the root that developed in just one week was pretty good (I used a two inch pod instead of rock wool and the were about six inches longer) maybe I just got lucky but this what not what I got out of my last batch that did not and I just did some and I forgot to use the TH in the water they soaked in and they wilted within 24 hours under the same dome, only difference is that I planted directly into soil instead the plugs I used last time.