Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)


Well-Known Member
Well I’m still buying rhinoskin lmao.
I've been looking for something less expensive since 3D mentioned that. I'm having a helluva time finding anything cheaper that's talked about as much in the forums. The only other one I've seen in comparison is Dutch Master Gold Silica which is just as much. I'm buying a gallon of Rhino...


Well-Known Member
I wasn't disagreeing with you. I saw right where you were headed.

I was just nitpicking the article because it was definitely biased in a sense and left points out in favor of promoting silica. It's not a magical cure all, but it is fantastic.
Some day i’m gonna get to nutes...


Well-Known Member
It's not that you picked bad judgement per se, but you're carrying on an argument that has been half solved and the other half won't be known til tomorrow.

At the end of the day, doesn't really matter where it came from or who bred it in my opinion. You're still going to have to pheno hunt it, then trait hunt it if you're going to do anything with it.

Otherwise, it's just some weed in your bowl.
Gotta grow it first...


Well-Known Member
I’ve already got explained it multiple times dude. I don’t know how else to explain this so you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

But I’ll try this one more time.

Okay here we go.

So my thought process was this.

You’ve got strains that you were sold by a seed company that says they’re from the breeder ETHOS.

If you get on ETHOS website they’re not on there but every other strain they’ve bred is. Along with their new release and show only strains.


Red flag #1

You get on the owner of ETHOS breeding companies IG. He’s made mention of none of these strains. But at the same time mentions and posts all the new strains they’ve been working on this whole month. And none of those strains were mentioned.


Red flag #2

You get on one of his tester growers website and she’s mentioned all these new beans that are on ETHOS website and she’s showing her final results but yet none of the strains you’re talking about are on there


Red flag #3

You get beans from vendor that are in breeder packs and on the ETHOS website but yet the ones that didn’t come in packs aren’t on ETHOS website, Breeders IG, breeders tester growers IG.


Red flag #4

Can you see why the discrepancies in all of these would cause one to question if the seeds that the middle man sent were actually from said breeder?

If you go back and read what I post about this. I said very clearly “IM NOT SAYING THEY’RE FAKE BUT THIS WOULD MAKE ME SKEPTICAL.” And that “I’D EMAIL ETHOS TO VERIFY THESE BEANS ARE LEGIT”

Now this is the last thing I’m going to say about this. And I’m done explaining this if you can’t understand why this would make someone skeptical and want to do some research to verify the money they are spending are on legitimate products idk what else I can say or do to make you understand.

Yes they are a listed vendor on the breeder site. But that doesn’t mean the distributors are acting with morals or doing good business or aren’t out here trying to get one over on someone. And if they are out here ripping people off on fake beans that’s not on the breeder that’s on the vendor.

Anyway I’m done with this. I hope they’re legit Andy if they are good. I’m glad.
Sorry, i didn’t read it all, cuz i wasn’t sure if it was legit...