Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
Thanks Stelthy,

Looks like a fun cab! Good move on the elbow from the light. Many folks are unaware of friction in venting. Keep us posted!


Yeah I've used a few elbow's in this cab to ensure the air gets a smoother ride :) I also have 3X Shelf Mounted CPU fans to feed the under side of the plants leaves :) ..
Below I've added a LINK to my thread.. Its a massive thread but its well interesting (imo) :) :-


Feel free to check out what I've been up to, and feel free to add comments etc etc :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Visited with some folks today that have a very useful tool in the garden that most of us would not think to implement.

A Web Cam!

They monitor the garden via the web without the need to even be in the same state. Environmental controls are automated. Even the release of nutrients into a timed and freshly filled res has been automated for a "hands free" system. Now as scroggers we know that with our method this would present some challenges. Though considering we manage our canopy daily, having only training as the days chore would be far easier than what most of us look forward to. Of course there can be some issues with things not working out as planned, power outages, etc. most of this can be worked out with back up plans as was demonstrated to me. Very impressive. I thought possibly the neatest part of the whole works was that each day images are taken that in the end create a time laps video.

How better to see scrog in action than with a time laps video? Anyone up for the challenge?

If you take a closer peek at this pic.. I have CCTV.. its not quite a Web Cam.. but I can still keep an eye on my girls when I am down stairs on my computer :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Phil - Woodsman your the best...i love this method and i thank you for making it so prevalent on this site.

Thank you sir, I appreciate your contributions and comments as well. Without you fine people this would have never been possible.

Here is to you! :joint:




Well-Known Member
naw i got a small fan on the floor pointed at it so the heat from it isnt bad, and thanks im doin pretty good for a first time scrogger i think lol


Well-Known Member
yo everyone i just found this thread


Fantastic manipulation LST. If you give your plant a bit longer it will explode from the bending you have done and you may be better off screening after that point. Its more contingent on how large your space is for screening. How much space are you looking to fill?

As far as moving the screen, explain this a bit further if you will.


Well-Known Member
Mr. TJ,

You pose and interesting theory. I am not sure I can argue that there is not a benefit. ( constructive criticism of course) I am going to chew on this one a bit... You do deserve praise for your out of the box theory regardless. Ya got me wheels a turnin'.



Well-Known Member
Well folks, the images have slowed and that means its time to pull one. I am out of state as some of you are aware however, thankfully some thoughtful law makers considered reciprocity when creating the MMJ laws. Ill head over and grab some gear and a cam to use, and pick up a few odds and ends that you gent's have yet to see implemented. Ill run in a tent for the next few months and do a journal for ya.

What do you folks want to see?

OSG PurpleWreck was something amazing = Original Southern Georga Purple Jah (Private Breeder) X Trainwreck
R&R = JTR X KO Kush
The Goat = Goat Pheno MTF (not Dr. Greenthumbs) Alaskan - Hyperducer.
Autolope = AutoAK-47 X WRauto X Chocolope
