Emailed Met Police For Info


Active Member
Hi every one.
Here is a copy of an email I sent to the Metrapolitan Police and their responce:

"Hello there,
I am doing a project on recreational drugs. I have recently been researching cannabis, and from the data that I have collected from recent surveys, clinical trials and tests I can find no reasonable explanation as to why cannabis is actually illegal. In comparison with other legal drugs, (to name a few: tobbacco, alcohol, paracetamol etc.) it seems to be, infact, much safer. Could you please provide me with the exact reasons as to why cannabis is illegal, and could you also explain to me why tobbacco and alcohol is legal as they appear to pose greater probems for society and health.

Thank you very much for your time,

Kind Regards


"Dear Sir,

Further to previous it seems that you have been misled. I must point out that we would not give an opinion on the law; we have to enforce it and do not pass judgement or give views on the rights and wrongs of a situation. Perhaps you should refer to the Home Office."


So what they are saying is that all the scientific studies, tests and surveys are misleading and they can make any law they want without having to justify it?

In simple terms:

If there was a good reason why it was illegal, don't you think they would say so?

Please comment! :blsmoke:
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Active Member
Dear Weedski,

What the pig is eloquently trying to explain to you is that you are demanding answers from the wrong person. Cops dont know why laws are passed, they just enforce them. They are a part of the executive branch which enforces laws rather then the legislative, which makes them.

So to provide a crude example, you are trying to buy oranges at he hardware store.


Well-Known Member
I thought most everyone knew the govmn't fucked up when they made cannabis illegal cause they couldn't justify it. But its true you are asking the wrong people cops don't make laws they just enforce them.


Active Member
Oh cool, cheers guys, I might try the Home Office, but I'm bound to get a similar responce.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I believe the reason it is illegal is because it would be Political suicide for any Law Making person to stand up & tell the truth. A lot of Government agencies are silently bitching about all the tax money lost by making pot legal. Also, they let the majority cross the boarder so they can bust the big dealer... so they now have his house, cars, money, boats, etc. Afghanistan has vast acres of Poppy Fields... The Government refused to destroy the fields. They want the heroin shit to keep coming in, for more houses, cars, etc. It's all BS.


Active Member
I believe the reason it is illegal is because it would be Political suicide for any Law Making person to stand up & tell the truth. A lot of Government agencies are silently bitching about all the tax money lost by making pot legal. Also, they let the majority cross the boarder so they can bust the big dealer... so they now have his house, cars, money, boats, etc. Afghanistan has vast acres of Poppy Fields... The Government refused to destroy the fields. They want the heroin shit to keep coming in, for more houses, cars, etc. It's all BS.
Someone needs to stand up against all this shit! :spew:


Active Member
I think you should kidnap the queen and threaten to make a pot friendly heir to the throne unless they start a sensible policy at the Home office!


Active Member
total agreement.its about tax.At the moment you can put used cooking oil in your diesel engine in the uk.How long will it be before you get fucked over like a pot grower for doing that?They'll take your car,fine you more than you can afford,but they will most definitely let you keep the chip pan.More revenue.I havnt got a car,house,boat or for that matter,ANYTHING in my name.


Well-Known Member
I bet you really fooled them with your 'project'. hahahahaha good one, I am sure that was a new one. There is not a 'logical reason' for Marijuana to be 'illegal'. They know this, that is why many don't arrest folks for small amounts. They really were being nice too give you any response considering how stupid you think they are. IMO VV


Well-Known Member
its illegal due to the fact that if they even make it just medical in the US that the patients will start growing their own and the pharmacies wont make money. thats why it is still illegal.


Well-Known Member
Dear Weedski,

What the pig is eloquently trying to explain to you is that you are demanding answers from the wrong person. Cops dont know why laws are passed, they just enforce them. They are a part of the executive branch which enforces laws rather then the legislative, which makes them.

So to provide a crude example, you are trying to buy oranges at he hardware store.
and to take it a step further its like being irate with the hardware store guy when he can't tell you why cherries cost more than strawberries but only during certain times of the year... If you'd really like to raise some eyebrows hit your congressman and play it the same way (student doing a paper blah blah blah) But I strongly suggest opening a new e-mail account and a few other common since precautions before you do because its like my grandfather used to say "Most assholes always say (the squeaky wheel gets the oil) but of all the fish in the water the one thats gets caught is the one with his mouth open"

Am I the only one still wondering wtf the Home Office is?

LMAO Rev, I was waiting on some other brainiac like myself to say that, cause I damn sure thought it too...

I bet you really fooled them with your 'project'. hahahahaha good one, I am sure that was a new one. There is not a 'logical reason' for Marijuana to be 'illegal'. They know this, that is why many don't arrest folks for small amounts. They really were being nice too give you any response considering how stupid you think they are. IMO VV

In closing you'll probably not get a straight answer because like Victor said there is absolutely no logical reason why it is illegal or at least if its not legal then theres no way to explain alcohol and tobacco being legal (have faith though because both of those used to be illegal too) plus most of you guys seem at minimum mildly intelligent the other obvious reasons is that there a lot more money in it being illegal ie jobs in drug enforcement, jobs in drug treatment, political contributions etc... So good luck but make sure you keep a poop-a-scoopa close because trust me you'll be getting more bullshit coming at you than a little bit.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
And don't forget all the religious right freaks whose votes the "get tougher on drugs!" politicians need. "OMG! It's drugs, Harold! Drugs! That evil liberal wants to make drugs legal!" It keeps those uninformed voters happy, and voting republican.

Also, whether it's true or not, or to what degree, I don't know, but I've read some credible arguments that CitiBank is the biggest money launderer in the world. There are large corporate interests who want it kept illegal, because it's good for their profits. Oh, and that would include all the lobbyists for the privatized prison industry. They keep pressure on legislators to keep something as benign as weed illegal because for every person sent to prison, they make money. Same goes for all the mandatory minimums and the "three strikes" laws: there are lobbyists out there who work for big money interests.

Follow the money and you'll usually find the culprit.


New Member
trying to buy oranges at the hardware store...LOL
been there done that :|
Dear Weedski,

What the pig is eloquently trying to explain to you is that you are demanding answers from the wrong person. Cops dont know why laws are passed, they just enforce them. They are a part of the executive branch which enforces laws rather then the legislative, which makes them.

So to provide a crude example, you are trying to buy oranges at he hardware store.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well lets at least hope you didnt email them from your home computer or even worse the machine you sign on to rollitu on as most police emails and government sources will attach quiet tracking cookie meta tags to responded email for future reference in case something related happens.This way they follow your ip when you open the mail and have access to see every site you go to leading them directly to rollitup in turn if your not under protection such as secure rotating proxies they will match all the posts from your ip to you and then know you by name,address and hat you view or do on line.You didnt email from home or your registered email like a dummy right ? Just me and my online protective nature running on full blast lol but its true so hope you did it from a library and bogus email