Early stage sprouts 24/0 or 18/6??


Well-Known Member
Hey there im new to this site, and i just wanted to know the general opinion on how long the lights should be off, or if they even should even be turned off. So which is better 24 or 18?


Well-Known Member
I'm another 18/6 fan. I believe that plants need their dark period to rest, and do whatever magical processes they do, at that time.lol Seriously though, IMO, any benefits gained by leaving the lights on 24/0 are lost due to the additional stress it causes. The only increase, will be in your electricity bill. :)


Well-Known Member
I agree with the 18/6, I have tried both with clones and some sprouts. Most plants do most of their growing during the dark period where they expend the energies stored during the light period. Root development also seems to occur during this dark period. The best advice I can give is to actually try if possible a clone from the same mother and do one at 24/0 and one at 18/6 and see which you think is the healthiest and happiest plant. Granted this is more work and involves more intense scrutiny of your plants but until you can see the side by side results you will always wonder which is best. Good Luck and let us know which is best in your opinion.


Well-Known Member
for seedlings its 24 for me, but thats only as seedlings, never did anything else so i have nothing to compare to.


Well-Known Member
I start seedlings out at 16/8 and slowly work my way up to 18/6, just started the 4th week and am now at 18/6

I do this to simulate Mom Nature and get a strong root system going

you can follow my grow by clicking the balls to wall link in my sig