DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


Well-Known Member
You can run the regular GH Flora series that has no organics or try dyna-gro. Not sure what else... even miracle gro has blue powder nutes I used when I first started.
Just thought... heisenberg uses Dutch master, I think you should be able to get their line.


Well-Known Member
did you wash as much of the gunk off as you could before putting in bucket? i find a pre wash in h202 helps kill the bad shit..
I would hold em over the bath and rinse em off using the shower head. Giving them a GENTLE rub and tug any dead roots and most the the slime will come off just dont be to ruff, Then I would sterilize. That's what I did
yeah I pulled what I could off 'manually' and soaked it in h202 for 24 hrs. rinsed with fresh water through the top. approx. 10 litres over half hour not all at once then put her into the calmag/orca mix


Active Member
A quick question for Heisenberg or any other tea brewing veterans. After brewing my tea I get what I'm assume is fungi and bacteria growing in it. It sinks to the bottom but floats around and breaks up once i disturbed the bottle, it looks very pale in colour. Is this normal good stuff growing or is my tea bad?, it smells ok to me but seeing as I'v only been brewing for about 4 weeks I'm not sure. My water is clean in my system and no slimy sides in my res or buckets. But when wet vac out my return lines the water that comes out is a bit murky and has bits in it. I do also keep it in the fridge uncovered after brewing.


Active Member
Have some pictures from awhile back when this problem first started, figured I would add them to add to the collection of diagnostic pics in this thread. These plants all were netpot-less, just held up by wire. As you can see, there is a thick slime covering the stem above the water line. Oddly, the roots IN the water were OK, no slime on them, but the plants wilted and died overnight from the slime on the stem, it was actually inside the stem also, where the main stem turns into the smaller roots, it was all up inside the crevices and when broken apart, the inside of the stem/root area was black and the slime STUNK horribly.

A lot of the slime problems here talk about the roots IN the solution being slimes, so maybe this is a different type? Also leads me to wonder about what some have mentioned, that it's in the AIR and not the water necessarily. Odd stuff.



Active Member
Matt, my tea also has some particles in it. I think it's normal but I'm quite new to tea brewing myself.

By the way, I'd like to bump my question about tea and pH. Mine always bumps the pH up quite a lot. Is that normal?


Active Member
Hi Spanky84 I find my tea does rise my ph when I add it. After resetting it ph raises bout 0.4 every 24 hours so I set ph bout 5.6-5.8 let it climb to bout 6.3ish then just bring it back down when I top off the res, ec is staying still at 1.2 at moment. This happens till bout week 4 then I get ph drop at bout the same rate I think this is normal for dwc. As long as your not getting massive ph jumps of say 5.8 to 7+ In a matter of hours. But I'v been only been doing dwc for bout 18 months so I'm no expert.


Active Member
Hey guys, I've figured out even better way of avoiding root slime. Don't grow anything!
Seriously, I haven't heard of anyone not growing any plants and having tropble of any kind with his plants.


Active Member
Ok, another experiment, brewed tea at 25 C this time. Added to the res, no pH up effect after 9 hours. I've noticed foam apearing much sooner then when brewing at 22C. Perhaps higher temps cause more bacteria and less funghi in the tea.