Drawing attention with power bill ??


Well-Known Member
Cautious.... thets what Im trying to be. Better choice of words, I have had the same bill for 4 years now and I started growing the day I moved in. I just added alot of new supplies and didnt pay attention to usage in other areas of the house. Ive now adjusted so things should be better next month!!


Well-Known Member
Its nice that you started growing day one in the house... I had lived here over a year b4 I started my grow so I did have to switch some things around to keep the power usage as low as possible... Most electric companies have a website where you can monitor your usage month to month at least as long as you've lived in the house... This really helped me a lot as I'm trying to get as close as possible to last year, same month... I'm using a little more power but I don't think a 15-20 percent increase is going to do anything...


Active Member
I used to be paranoid of the power thing to.

There are so many legit ways a person can run up a powerbill- especially this day in age. with electric smart cars/scooters having to be charged, new gaming pc's boasting 850+ watt power supplies, and more people running businesses out of their home.

IMO out of all growers ever caught, with a bill under something ridiculous like $3k, I would bet less than 1% were spotted by a high electric bill(that was paid on time).