Dr Greenthumb .com The Dope Test grow

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Hey what's up everybody? Welcome to my second journal and feel free to post. This is going to be a test grow of DRGT's The Dope a new hybrid of his chumaluma and endless sky. I want to say thanks to the doc for sending these out to myself and also some others on these boards, we appreciate it. This is my first time using any of his genetics and although I got them free, I would imagine that paying customers would recieve the same great service I did. They came within one week of shipping and all the beans were very nice and plump and striped. They were also well packaged and came with directions for germinating. I had been having problems with germinating in the past few weeks so I follwed his directions exactly and had tap roots in one day I planted the seeds on the second day of germination and had a sprout the next day, the other 2 I germinated followed suit the next day so the germination rate is very good and they all overall have the same appearance. I will growing these in ocean forest soil and using the same organic fox farm nutrients as my other current grow.

These sprouts are 2 to 3 days old and I just finished installing my ventilation system in the box today. Not much to see yet but here they are. I will be updating at least once a week per the doc's request so subscribe and enjoy the ride. There are also some other journals so be sure to check those out as well.



mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Awesome bro. It will be interesting to compare the performance of our different mediums and nutes. What kind of flower lights do you have?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man it definately will be interesting. I got a 400 and a 250 watt MH for flowering. My other journal is the first link in my sig and I have some plants on their 3rd week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Im pulling up a chair, the doc didn't hook me up with any but Im going to try a get some when I order some other stuff from him.
Anyways, Good Luck I will be following along.


bud bootlegger
nice pipe.. yours look about the same as mine do so far, lol.. i am like mared and am anxious to see how the different mediums and everything else will play into how they turn out..
i only have a 250 watt hps in my garden, so i would like to see what your gonna get from yours.. i am running my dopes in ff's of as well as using the ff's line of nutes so we should see some pretty similiar results i would think..
i'm here for the ride as well..

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Hi Pipe Dream,

I've been growing some of the doc's stuff for about a year now...it's the Columbian Skies and it's very good. When I got that order it didnt come with germ tips. I just recently got more beans from him the c-99 and the Mil Bud, which did come with germ tips.
My question to you is...if you have the time could you post the germ tips that came with "the dope"? I just want to compare them.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
cool no problem. Basically it was to soak the seeds in a cup of water for 4-8 hours. Than place in a paper towel moistened with a 1/4 strength fertilizer solution at 80-90 degrees until the root tip emerges and to plant in moist medium at about 75 - 80 degrees I beileve. plant root tip UP. This was the main thing that I have come to find out is a fact. I have always planted root tip down and I noticed the last Romulan I germed that never popped had a really long tap root that went in circles and it used up all it's energy wasn't able to pop out of the soil. I really want to try that colombian skies, I am growing a supposed landrace colombian now.

Anyways, I hate to say it but I got some bad news. The day before yesterday I was finishing up my veg box: I put up mylar and power strips inside the box and I added another light for a total of 5 CFLs. I put up the small clip fan which I bought for the closet for a total of three fans, 2 17 CFM exhaust fans and one unknown small fan that would be right above the lights blowing the air up to the exhaust fans. Since both of my spaces are in the same room I was working on the box and my flowering room light went off which was my que to finish up and leave. I should have tested the box but I didn't have the time and figured all was good, all I really did was add one CFL and one fan so I left it. When I came back the next day and opened it up it was hotter than hell and all the dope seeds were dried up. For the record I FUCKING HATE PEAT MOSS CUPS! These were coco cups but the same difference I only used them because I ran out of plastic ones but they absorb all the moisture in the medium instead of holding it in I only like em because of the ease of transplanting but honestly I never had a problem transplanting ever. In hind sight as soon as they popped I should have just planted the whole thing in a bigger pot filled with ocean forest but oh well.

So, it appears that 2 of the three sprouts are dead, one is still okay but definately suffered from heat stress. The ironic thing about it was that the fan was the main source of heat. I had the dc adapter plugged in to the outlet inside of the box and it was very hot and the heat built up so I took it out and plugged it in outside of the box and drilled another hole in the bottom for intake as I think maybe it was being blocked by cords. I also assumed that it didn't matter because the outtake fans would pull enough air in. I drilled another today BTW I had to charge my drill. So anyways I got the thermometer measuring the temp of the air intake and the air outake and their is now a difference of 5 degrees which is fine. I tested it when I went in there and it was 72 degrees and 77 degrees after being closed up all night so I think that the box is good now wish I didn't have to learn the hard way.

So i apologize kinda let everyone down and 1 seedling really isn't enough for a grow journal so I will plant some new seeds probably tomorrow so it'll basically just be about a week before everything gets back up and going so i can really start the journal. Sorry but shit happens that's why i only planted 3. I'll probably plant 3 more so stay tuned i will restart ASAP.


Well-Known Member
im watching...i was going to do these also but he offered to let me grow out his 747 instead...so it will be nice to some what compare his genetics...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
im watching...i was going to do these also but he offered to let me grow out his 747 instead...so it will be nice to some what compare his genetics...
right on I was wondering where you were at. That's cool I'm going to have to go back to his website and look those up again I forgot what the genetics on that one are. Let me know when you start your journal i definately wanna see those. :joint:

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that Pipe, thats the same reason I only do about half of them at a time. I will keep watching...good luck.

Oh and thanks for the germ tips...those were the same that I recieved with the latest order. And the thing about the root tip pointing up is different then what I've always done, so it had me wondering.


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
cool no problem. Basically it was to soak the seeds in a cup of water for 4-8 hours. Than place in a paper towel moistened with a 1/4 strength fertilizer solution at 80-90 degrees until the root tip emerges and to plant in moist medium at about 75 - 80 degrees I beileve. plant root tip UP. This was the main thing that I have come to find out is a fact.
i hate to be the one to break the news to you, but the root-tip goes down. eventually the root would find it's way down, and the leaves would (probably) come back to the top where they belong. but, why waste time planting them upside down? maybe try reading the instructions again.....

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I'm telling you man I even talked to the doc directly about this. I read a post of some guy who said that root tip should point up and i wasn't really sure what to think when i read it and than i read the directions from the doc so I tried it and the results are great. I have always planted root tip down and they will definately sprout either way as I have just put them in soil randomly and they pop but perhaps better if you plant root tip up. You'll notice that when your roots come out of the seed they curve I believe by planting root tip up the root will than grow down giving it leverage to get the head out of the ground. If planting root tip down I believe the root tip will grow down and than grow back up and back down again, wastes the valuable stored energy that the seed has. Just my thoughts the first sprout was one day after planting root tip up.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
well, i'm a big fan of the doc's gear, but i don't care who says so. my root goes down! mine stay in paper a towel until they have a good half inch tap-root. root goes down, i leave the other end right on top of the medium and things happen fast after that.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
here's what the doc sent me when I asked about using fertilizer.

For sprouting I'd use 1/4 strength water soluble plant food of whatever kind...but plant food, maybe 15-30-15

I used this because I already had it and I never used it before http://www.greenlightco.com/products/rootstimulatorandstartersolution/index.cfm

I didn't use very much at all about 5ml per gallon so I don't know if it helped or not I didn't want to overdo it because I lost the english instructions. I did read online that you should add 3 1/2 tablespoons per gallon and that was roughly 1/8 strength dose. I also added a drop of superthrive. Another product that I have seen used in the SOG videos from high times he uses upstart which is why I bought this stuff I figured it was pretty much the same. Good luck.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Allright so I have no camera but pics will come soon. The other 2 sprouts did indeed die and I was hoping they would bounce back but there is no growth it looks like it's alive but really just a dead sprout sticking out of the soil :( There is still one that survived the drought and is standing tall. I also germed 3 more seeds the other day and had 3 more sprouts yesterday they are under the 400 watter in the bloom room right now but otherwise they don't recieve that strong of light because the heat that builds up in the box. I'm still trying to get it dialed in but keeping the temps reasonable is the priority right now. So there you go all 6 of the seeds I germinated germed fast and popped out of the soil in just a matter of days thought I'd let you know everything is back on track sorry for the delay.


bud bootlegger
sorry to hear that a few died pipe.. i was super afraid some of mine were gonna do the same as i have been working my ass off this week, 84 hours in the last seven days, and i have not been able to give them the attention that they deserve, but they are all moving along nicely..
yah, i too was a lil taken aback by the docs instructions on planting with the root down, i think i also ignored this one lil part, lol.. but what pipe says sounds pretty solid to me as well, and i may have to try it on my next germ run..