Down and out..


Active Member
Well, my dealer of over a year has been busted last week, and I haven't smoked in 5 days. I don't know anyone else who sells, so I don't know what to do, I'm going crazy. I'm use to be high most of the day so this is really klling me. What do you guys do when you don't have weed and what do you do to find more? I got drunk last night but it just made me sick as hell and depressed. Im about ready to go ask random people downtown if they know anyone to hook me up. Anyone else done this?


Well-Known Member
Think of it as a good way to lower your tolerance and take a little break. It always feels nice after you take like a good week off. I wouldnt go ask randoms off the street since thats kinda risky but id just keep waiting it out as weed always seems to find me after about a week.


Well-Known Member
Exercise, If you really tire yourself out then it burns off a couple hours from the day and when you have to sleep youll just pass right out so easy. Read a book, go play a sport, catch up on some work, smoke a cigarette, theres plenty of things to do without weed. Remember how you kept yourself entertained before you started toking.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I had the same prob after my divorce. My main man was also my former wife's cousin. I got into a big argument with his mother while picking all my shit up off the lawn of my own house. He stopped hangin, talkin, sellin, everthang. I haven't even set eyes on him since all this happened and that was 15 years ago. He lives about 4 miles away, too.
I called all my old contacts and someone eventually hooked me up. Buying off the street is risky, alltho I've done that too.
Now I grow my stash and I'm lots happier, too.


Well-Known Member
do sumthing to make the world around you a better place.go shovel ur elderly neighbors sidewalk, kids spend sum extra time w/ em.something positive always makes ya feel better and ya never know maybe while ur out you will make a new contact. good luck and peace!


Active Member
I honestly don't have any friends that smoke other than my girlfriend, and shes going crazy too caue we always smoke together. And thanks for the suggestions guys, Im gonna try and start asking random people, seems like my only option at the moement.