Does Sea Breeze affect MJ development?

- Good day to all.
I purchases Master Kush seeds and will be splitting it with a friend. My friend lives near the beach (say about 500 yards from the beach). Can sea breeze affect the development of the MK strain?
- he will be growing outdoors.

If there is nothing to worry about please let me know.

seeds should be here in about 2 weeks (i hope).

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Makes no difference dude. I am less than 200m from a beach and I have no problems. If anything, it's better because of the stability of temps close to the sea.
thanks for the reply Rusty Crutch.

though I have read somewhere that Master Kush forms thick buds and a result they may be susceptible to a build up of mold in wet conditions. please correct me if i am wrong.
i mean they tell you that metal even corrodes over time when exposed to sea spray. so surely the buds should get affected. I guess shielding them from the sides is the only option there.