Do You Get Paranoid?


Active Member
Yeah man it was last night i was burnin a few joints then on my way walkin home I just started thinkin about scary movies, ya know ghosts, zombies, that clown from IT, nd I really started freakin out so I got home and started thinkin what if herb doesn't make people paranoid but herb brings people fears to the light. I mean think about it the only times I ever get paranoid while/after burnin is when i know im doing or did somethin i shouldn't of been doin. Or I get scared thinkin about narcotics unit watching me, police coming around the corner,scary movies etc. So what is your input on my theory im just curious on how everyone else feels on the subject.


Active Member
All understandable it just seems to me that herb tells you the truth of how your really feeling and digs down under all the lying to yourself (Im afraid of nothing) for ex. deep to the real you and you start over time, when your not being stimulated by corruption of the tv, radio, && meaningless music herb tells the truth of things even if you refuse to come to acceptance of THE TRUTH ya know? but what Im sayin what if most people is using the herb wrong ya know? just getting high from it and nothing else ya know? Its herb- a medication if you will, to cleanse you from the uncleanes of the world we need to use it to correct our problems(even if you believe you have none) not just get high and goof off.-- ^^But what im sayin herb reveals the true you and if you get paranoid while high you were paranoid before you even smoked thats all Im tryin to put into yall minds^^. But i dont think its all good if you get high in the same spot everytime we need to switch up smoke here and there so we can find and correct the paranoia while high and there will be no more of it even if that scary situation comes up.


Well-Known Member
Dumb thing to ask but when yall smoke does ur eyes get irritated or the wind bothers yall.
ps not trying to steal ur thread.


Well-Known Member
i do not get paranoid, I just get hella sensitive to sounds, because if I am smoking when my stepdad is away, I always have to watch out for the sound of his truck. one day I thought I was tripping and being paranoid when i thought I heard the truck pulling up... but I wasnt, he actually came home, and I had to run into my room, hide my weed, pretend I was asleep. fuck that still makes me nervous


Well-Known Member
I listen to music really loud when I'm mowing with the riding mower, and I'm ripped. Sometimes I hear a ring or a ding and look left then right then left. Thinking to myself, "WTF was that".

It's always part of the song.

Paranoid no. Sensitive to sounds yes.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Nope no paranoia...

When I smoke I get more brazen, smoke a few with the window and curtains open, waving at people... Take the Joint for a stroll down the street to get some munchies... real dumb shit I guess but no paranoia... I don't really understand the whole pot paranoia connection.


Well-Known Member
I listen to music really loud when I'm mowing with the riding mower, and I'm ripped. Sometimes I hear a ring or a ding and look left then right then left. Thinking to myself, "WTF was that".

It's always part of the song.

Paranoid no. Sensitive to sounds yes.
what blunts you smoke?