Diagnosis help, PIC inc


This seedling is the only one to show these affects.
2.5 weeks old (air vent was poor first 10 days) now very good. It's under a 250w cfl about 4" from the light. PH at 6-6.2
It's on 1/4 strengh nutes in a 6l pot, watering every 2-3 days. Yesterday a leaf went brown at tip and turned up, 12 hours later it looks like this:

The browning and curling up of the tips of leaves, Any idea's?



I've only fed it the once, Supposed to be 7ml/litre I gave less than 1.5ml/litre that was 5 days ago and it was watered 2 days ago with no feed, Could this still be nute burn?
Forgot to say lights on temp 75-80f, lights off 62-68c, RH - 50-60%


Well-Known Member
looks like a deficiency also. i dont think the leaves are suppose to b that light colored green


I have some nitrogen around, Shall I put 1/4 strengh nitrogen in the next watering with no other feed or would you rec flushing it?


Medium is canna coco plus, Any idea's on what sort of deficiency? From what i've researched it looks like a Magnesium defiency or a too low PH causing lockout, I've read my medium's PH should be 6.5-6.8 and I've been giving 6-6.2 :\


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nute burn to me, don't think I would have given her more. Typically, you don't even start nutes, until she's at least three weeks of age.


Looks like a nute burn to me, don't think I would have given her more. Typically, you don't even start nutes, until she's at least three weeks of age.
I think your right... boost of N doesnt seem to have had an affect and its definetly worsening and spreading to other leaves, Time to flush it I think, 5.5-5.8 PH best for flushing coco?


Well-Known Member
That is absolutely NOT nute burn; it's a deficiency of some sort. If you just gave N, you might need a few days to see a difference. Not familiar with the coco medium, or I might be a little more helpful.


Thanks for your info, I did think it was a MG or N def but unsure, ill attach another pic from 10 minutes ago, Comparing pic from 3 days ago to now I think its becoming a more dark green so the N is starting to show signs of helping, but the dry brown curling leafs at the end are getting worse, Any idea's?



Well-Known Member
Assuming there's no "trick of the light", it does look like you've picked up some greenness there. Just stay the course, I'd suggest. See if it continues to improve for a few more days.