Deadliest catch season 8......


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge fan. I got addicted to it real heavy season 6 when i was making my grow box holes using a tiny ass file that took like 1o hours and a marathon was on. i figured if them guys can do what they do my ass can handle filing a bunch of holes in wood and being tired of it was no excuse. anyway thoughts on this year so far....

I was happily surprised. i expected it to be so-so as its the first episode and ive been waiting for it so long but it was pretty good.
Specific thoughts-
I dont think captain bills attitude is going to help his goal of getting a group of guys who come back every year. it was a big screwup but telling your crew they are inferior men and all that doesnt lend itself to high crew morale.

I was disappointed monte will not be fishing blue/reds. I wonder if danny was drunk. freddy said he could smell it but if danny is the one who was airlifted off(which i suspect must be the case as none of the other crew fit the age given in the coast guard report besides lynn, who is clearly shown in the scene where the guy is on the table.) medical reasons sound more likely as i dont see(unless he was drinking while actually fishing too) how alcohol could of caused the problems at sea.

I was kind of puzzled how sig and edgar were talking about jake h. having to prove himself and all that and they didnt know if he'd work in their system when on after the catch when discussing the trade of jakes in season 6 sig said that jake had proved himself and he'd hire him in a second as he knew what he would be getting.
the rambling rose looks alot prettier now that they fixed it up. it will be interesting to see elliot handle the pressure of bringing in so much blue crab this year. especially since it looks like competition will be more fierce than last year.
good to see junior back, his desire to be the best is commendable. its nice to see whipper is back to give it another go. after how badly he wanted to get home last time(to the point of faking injuries) i was somewhat doubtful he'd return.

I wonder if someone actually fell overboard this season(especially as i followed the fishing season as it happened and i never saw anything about a crew man going overboard and thats the ttype of thing that would of got out there, much less sensational info on the season was put up. it was a big deal when someone got airlifted off the wizard and we found out it was going on just about as soon as keith put out the call to the coast guard) or if they once again just abused the footage from season 4 when the time bandit rescued the guy(josh is his name i believe) that fell off the other boat while chaining down the stack. i know theyve done that before. along with commercials during season 5 that tried to mash a bunch of bits together to make it sound like the wizard went down or something very similar when in reality the closest they got was when they were trying to put up the tarp and some guys got beat up bad when a wave smashed em into the stack and other stuff. which while devestating was nowhere near the boat going down. if someone did go overboard this season they must of been just fine after a quick rescue.


Well-Known Member
i just watched the first ep today kinda dissapointed the harris boys aint running there boat anymore i read some where there trying to get money together to buy the other half of the boat


Well-Known Member
I've done some things i never thought i could do when giving it my all and believing in myself but honestly i got to say that i dont think i would last more than a day maybe 1 1/2 if i was lucky. it really is unbelievable the amount of work these men do and then when you throw in the work enviroment it takes it to a whole new level. 18 hours in -40f weather with the wind blowing 40 knots is something i could never endure. i dont know if i could take half an hour of that even.


Well-Known Member
i just watched the first ep today kinda dissapointed the harris boys aint running there boat anymore i read some where there trying to get money together to buy the other half of the boat
what will be very interesting is to see next season what the boys do if the cornelia marie does fish(which is actually doubtful for red crabs as like they showed the fishery is in serious decline and things are not looking too good and will most likely stay that way for a few years and its not really that profitable to make it worthwhile.) We will learn if derrick was somewhat right when he said jake and josh are not fishermen they are tv stars because they would have to make the choice of going out on the cornelia marie and try to continue their fathers legacy and eventually take over or if they will choose to stay on deadliest catch.(if you were not aware cornelia marie herself said the cornelia marie will not be returning to deadliest catch). if what youve heard is true and cornelia agrees to sell her half its possible for them to do both. i guess its possible cornelia could agree just to get rid of the headache its been the last few years trying to work everything out. i havent heard anything about the boys trying to raise money to buy it but im going to go google it.


Well-Known Member
what will be very interesting is to see next season what the boys do if the cornelia marie does fish(which is actually doubtful for red crabs as like they showed the fishery is in serious decline and things are not looking too good and will most likely stay that way for a few years and its not really that profitable to make it worthwhile.) We will learn if derrick was somewhat right when he said jake and josh are not fishermen they are tv stars because they would have to make the choice of going out on the cornelia marie and try to continue their fathers legacy and eventually take over or if they will choose to stay on deadliest catch.(if you were not aware cornelia marie herself said the cornelia marie will not be returning to deadliest catch). if what youve heard is true and cornelia agrees to sell her half its possible for them to do both. i guess its possible cornelia could agree just to get rid of the headache its been the last few years trying to work everything out. i havent heard anything about the boys trying to raise money to buy it but im going to go google it.
ill look for the articale and post it


Well-Known Member
I think it is good for the Hansen boys to experience other boats for a few trips before they try to captain their own ship. They still have a lot things to learn.
its actually harris brothers. the hansens are sig and edgar of the northwestern. for a while i would always screw up jon and andy on the time bandit and mix the names up. lol
if they dont end up buying cornelia out it might not happen at all. they only fish crab and cornelia wants them to commit and do at least 3 years where they are on the boat like 9-10 months of the year or more and to know the engine room and all systems in and out before she will let them be captains. they knew that they would have to do so for a while, phil himself said it to them although i dont think he gave a year number.


Well-Known Member
the deckhands special was alright. i might come to like it more once i see it a time or 2 more though as after smoking alot of good stuff i saved for the season opener for an hour i had a hard time paying attention and when it was on the second time i was working with my plants so i wasnt giving it my full attention then either.

I think we might see quite a few outbursts from captain keith during blue crab. blue crab are not a great large boat species as a good pot is in the 20-30 range so to fill up he's going to have to go through alot of pots on good fishing quickly. the crew probably wont be too happy either as if they dont get on steady solid numbers just the cost of fuel and bait and food can burn away most of their earnings.

I think elliot will do alright. he's now got some experience with blue crab fishing. will be interesting to see how he handles himself once the seasons been underway for a while and the fishing dries up more. this year he has double the amount of crab he got last year.

i think junior will do good. he did so last season with blues.


Well-Known Member
yeah the only way there gonna be able t run that boat is if they own the whole thing josh might be able to pull it off jake idk.keith is a scumbag i cant stand him


Active Member
I feel with them cutting the red crab intake to 7m lbs they should have done away with the quotas and do the season old school style; race to catch the most the fastest. I know they couldn't because there are families to be fed, but it would make for good tv.


Well-Known Member
I feel with them cutting the red crab intake to 7m lbs they should have done away with the quotas and do the season old school style; race to catch the most the fastest. I know they couldn't because there are families to be fed, but it would make for good tv.
another reason is ppl where getting hurt and boats where sinking more when the derby style fishery was open that why the did away with it


Well-Known Member
i disliked keith and bill at first too. keith grew on me. deep down he is a good guy i think. he's just EXTREMELY emotional, sometimes its good, alot of times its bad. im still kind of iffy on bill, sometimes he's cool but other times not so much. another thing to remember is they do kind of edit it to play up keiths emotional outbursts.

speaking of the low quota and derby days its insane how much money guys would make back during the king crab boom before the levels of red crab started plummeting due to overfishing. i love the story of how phil went to buy the house of the guidance counselor who told him he'd never be anything with a big bag of cash he made in like a month. they were still kids but they were making more than the teachers themselves.


Well-Known Member
ya know i really wish deadliest catch hadnt pissed off the maverick so bad. they still fish and i really would like to see them on the show still. blake seemed to have a ton of potential. if you didnt know what happedned was-1. Deadliest catch made it seem like blake did not go opie fishing the season after he had been promised the captains chair for the final trip of red crab because he was mad at rick and not being given the boat for the last trip. that was not the case, rick explained to him how it was because the crew had signed on to fish with him and that they had expressed they would prefer rick stay(some stronger than others)so he didnt feel right leaving. The reason blake didnt fish opie was because a close familly member(his dad i believe)was diagnosed with a terminal illness so blake stayed to help with that.
second thing they did was edit it to make it seem like blake had been told a secret spot by phil who swore him to secrecy and blake later shared than info with another fisherman while phil listened to him do it so phil said blake was an arrogant fuck(jokingly) and phil deciding to prank blake to teach him a lesson. That never happened. phil did give him advice and he did prank him but that was about it. the whole blake sharing the secret spot phil gave him and phil hearing it was unrelated clips pieced together to make it seem that way.


Well-Known Member
only 6 hours till the next episode. i hope we get lucky and afterwards they have another special but im doubtful. its too early in the season for after the catch to start and they only do a few specials like the one we saw last week. sadly only 7 hours till the new episode is over :(:(:(


Well-Known Member
i always miss the specials cause i d/l the show most of the time to skip commercials i dont even know why i pay for cable anymore


Well-Known Member you wont have to download it but they dont have the special out yet either. do you usually watch after the catch? it's got a page on that site too. compared to last year i was shocked how quick tv-links had the new episode. there were dozens of them up within a hour or two of it being on. last year it was hell trying to find the ones i missed cuz i had to work. which wont be a problem this year because my boss agreed to give me tuesday and wednesday off everyweek. today is my saturday.bongsmilie