Day 56? of flowering - What To Do?!?!


This is my first grow and it has been about 8 weeks and I don't know the state of my plants. Not too many trichs but there are red hairs on the plants but a lot of white too. Some reds are further developed on other plants (11 in total - DWC) but am unsure of the progress they are making. I switched out the nutes for a fresh flush last week and was expecting to crop this week. PLease let me know your thoughts and expectations. And thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Could be even longer than that. Don't rush it. Relax and let them plump up. Depending on the genetics, you could have 5 or 6 more weeks left. DO NOT chop the early or you will miss out on a bigger yield.

no clue

Well-Known Member
Yep. If you have to trim a limb or two to smoke until they are ready. Many white pistils yet..calyxes will swell


Well-Known Member
Nine weeks is usually about right for indica dominant plants to harvest. Check your trichs only sure way to tell in my opinion.


Thanks for all the feedback!! So what/how should should I be feeding them from here on out? I'm using GH Flora Series...


Well-Known Member
Those don't look ready for chop this week, but at least one of them looks like it is dying...


New Member
i'd go another month since the hairs are still very white and plentiful. i like to wait until they're like half and half red. scope is the best way tho. just my preference.


New Member
Got them from here
says 7-9 weeks. but from my experience, it's always longer. that flower time is with best conditions. not only that but every seed has different genetics. your seeds with your better genetics at best conditions with co2 will be 7-9 weeks. your faster flowering plants from seeds of the same type, are what you want to clone. makes production much smoother.