Day 28 of Nirvana Short rider auto flower grow


Here is a couple of pics of the baby, how u guys think she is coming on and can any of u guys say is she starting to flower or not she is a autoflower but was considering putting her on 12/12 and forceing it is it worth it she has shown her sex for about a week now thoughts would be great cheers guys ill add this to my journal , i did think that once she started showing her hairs that ment she was starting to flower is that right or not



Well-Known Member
I grew 5 sr a couple years ago and they all started flowering withen 3 weeks...and she looks healthy..but i woudent go to 12/12 leave it on 20/4 the whole way and this is what see should look like...HAPPY GROWING..



doesnt look to me that they have quite started to flower, but as DSB65 says keep your light 20/4 and withing a week i would say you should see them starting to flower ..
:D happy smoking and good luck
