Danger:mad scientist at work


Well-Known Member
In some states med caregivers can grow for a bunch of patients and they "donate" the weed to the patients and they recieve "donations" in return for their crops..and the world turns...........


Well-Known Member
In some states med caregivers can grow for a bunch of patients and they "donate" the weed to the patients and they recieve "donations" in return for their crops..and the world turns...........
oh that's awesome!! i'm just a dumb floridian and know little on medi marijuana...just growing, farming and cooking, haha...soo ripped, gotta love the kief tokes...i wanna be a caregiver, that would be the life, living on a farm, growing medicine for the sick...:peace:


Well-Known Member
he's got some $$, and he's disabled, so he needs someone to actually get things done. it's not a livestock ranch, but there's still a million things that need doing. I'm not attatched to posessions or status, so it's more about living what the buddhists call 'right occupation'....in other words I'm not gettin' rich...just sharecroppin' basically.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like alot of people here in jersey ..these guys get rich working their asses off and then they are too old to keep it up. So they hire people like us to keep all their affairs in order... I worked for this guy for a while but he was too stuck in his ways for me to handle.. Always wanted me to work harder not smarter..not my style. But he did pay well he was a lil too old school for me to take. Had me using a shovel and rake when i could have just used a tractor....that didnt last long:)

South Texas

Well-Known Member
That "Work harder, not Smarter" drives me up the WALL!!! Like the saying "That's the way we always did it". I tell them that it should be embarrassing to do stupid things an entire fucking lifetime. Like the digging holes by hand, with a tractor close by. They FINALLY started using gas operated jack hammers to dig fence post in rocky areas. That took 20 years to figure out. It's really sad, sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Yup those old timers want me to break my back because they had to! No way jose i say if i dont have the right machine in my shop then go rent it! Im only 30 but i feel 50 so i aint digging too many more ditches!


Well-Known Member
the latest from hillbilly: I've been super busy lately...I built a fenced in garden, with beds dug into solid clay. between the beds(mostly lavenderG) go the 18 gal. bins...you just can't get honkin' plants with anything less than 15 gal. yesterday I built a 'chicken shack'(dark shed), so no more baggin' it! today I pollinated one nepali,3 small lavenderG's, the widow,and the s.c.shark, with a vortex male. I also hit the widow with crystal haze(widow male/nl-haze female)...I crossed the white master(south) to the master north...she's the coffee-est smelling thing! the southern masterK is stronger 'cause of the south indian...I wonder if that's closely related to the south indian in the widow?...anyway, after a nightmare winter, I couldn't be better set up for summer....no more running from helicopters! no more crawling through brambles and briar patches that br'er rabbit wouldn't go! no more schlepping everything and all that water up the mountain! no more 5 gal. root constricting buckets! ...it's really weird! after a lifetime of prohibition...I always said-"when the woodstock generation are old and in charge this would happen"...it's still totally surreal to not have cessna paranoia!


Well-Known Member
this is the menu:
jack's cleaner2
astro queen
deep purple
the widow
santa cruz shark
black dom
white dom
crystal haze
purple(haze) widow
lavenderG13/hz.(black indica)
lavenderG13/hz.(black sativa)
white master kush (south)
master kush(north)
master kush(south)
ubc chemo
my future additions will be clones from the dispensaries, and a couple landrace sativas.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
SON !!! Sounds like your kicking ASS. All the best for You. Thought you was going to... elsewhere. ??? What's UP?


Well-Known Member
I'm not going anywhere...especially after the 4th. of july! I'm gonna' be in col.kurtz mode!...I pity the fool that tries to rip me!...'cause I've murdered plenty of varmints and gamebirds that were a lot more deserving of life,and giving me NO troubles! I'm already here 98% of the time. there's so much property work on top of the medical grow ...looks like a lot of really high quality organic going to the dispensaries this fall(as compared to the hydro CRAP they usually peddle!). It's still sinking in- the fact that I can finally grow weed without the fear of going to prison for something SOOOO innocuous!


Well-Known Member
today I found a second vortex male...I only forced the one obvious male earlier. the first one has leaves that are super uniform, looking like stars. the nodes are paired; as opposed to the alternating nodes of the second male which looks more sativa with bigger teeth. I'm guessing the V-1 is spacequeen dominant, and the more sativa darker one (V-2) must be the apollo...which is the same as the females. V-1 is the recessive one in this pack of seeds. I haven't deployed the V-2 yet...look out london!-'cause if the V-1 is the flying bomb, then the V-2 should be a ballistic missile! I can't wait to see the difference between the 'cousins' that come out of these boys...this is a blast!


Well-Known Member
today I found a second vortex male...I only forced the one obvious male earlier. the first one has leaves that are super uniform, looking like stars. the nodes are paired; as opposed to the alternating nodes of the second male which looks more sativa with bigger teeth. I'm guessing the V-1 is spacequeen dominant, and the more sativa darker one (V-2) must be the apollo...which is the same as the females. V-1 is the recessive one in this pack of seeds. I haven't deployed the V-2 yet...look out london!-'cause if the V-1 is the flying bomb, then the V-2 should be a ballistic missile! I can't wait to see the difference between the 'cousins' that come out of these boys...this is a blast!
V1 (left) and V2


Well-Known Member
these are the originals, but yes...I'm definitely cloning the V2. it's what I'm looking for to start the stargate project....like subcool was saying- the best males are often not the first...I'm gonna' cross the V2 to a spacebomb female...then; this winter, I'll start my landrace sativas- lao, malawi, and santa marta...somewhere between these and the base pair(s.b.vortex) lies the key to the stargate. I'm looking for THE ultimate geekweed!


Well-Known Member
SoWhere do we meet to trade jars, international waters... also invited Subcool, Jesus, and Marlin Brando... oh ya and the Loch Ness