cutting leaves off during flowering?

is it okay to cut off all leaves that bud is not being produced on? i already cut most of the big fan leaves and was wondering if i should cut the rest off?


Well-Known Member
do you mean like the bottom stuff or like the big fan leaves or ???
the wording"cut off all leaves that bud is not being produced on" is kind of confusing for me. can you clarify please?


Well-Known Member
U should never ever ever ever cut fan leafs off. Where do u think it is getting it energy to produce bud. and then at the end the plant takes all nuts even from the fan leaves and hence y they start to turn yellow at the end... NEVER cut fan leaves. Imagine your house runs on solar panels and u destroy half of them. Now u cant power as much in the house so u can only do a few things so u have to shur off appliances to run other appliances. sill move man silly move

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
is it okay to cut off all leaves that bud is not being produced on? i already cut most of the big fan leaves and was wondering if i should cut the rest off?
First time DWC, here.

I "groomed" my first plant, so that the buds would get all the light....took forever to finish flowering.
Now I have a plant that, I'm only removing leaves that are dammaged/sick/useless.
The plant is coniderably larger than the first, and it's maturing faster.

So, don't remove any leaves, that you don't have to.


Well-Known Member
Why, why, why???

Why does the forum not have a sticky at the top that says something to the effect of "NEVER CUT ANY LEAVES OFF OF YOUR PLANT!!!"

Stop molesting those young girls folks!!!


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , how about someone cut off you're arms and leg's , would you grow better , lol , seriously though , leave them bro , they do many more things on your plants than off.