Congress has closed its doors for.....


New Member
Thanks :)

And as Pogo said: "I have seen the enemy, and its us."

You must admit though, Bush's monetary policy has fucked our economy to tears. The billionaire boys club has been the major recipient of his fiscal policies. Yeah, congress is complicent, but the greater fault lies on Bush. BTW for your pleasure, the housing bubble was orchestrated by your buddies. The sleasy loan sharks and greedy realtors, not accusing you of course,~LOL~.


New Member
You must admit though, Bush's monetary policy has fucked our economy to tears. The billionaire boys club has been the major recipient of his fiscal policies. Yeah, congress is complicent, but the greater fault lies on Bush. BTW for your pleasure, the housing bubble was orchestrated by your buddies. The sleasy loan sharks and greedy realtors, not accusing you of course,~LOL~.
Well, I agree with most of what you've said above. But ... go fuck yourself anyway. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hey hey hey hey, whats all the fuss?...things are gonna be just fine as soon as we all receive our part of the stimulus package.......


Well-Known Member
It's the 12 million or so illegal immigrants that are killing us to.They get free everything,use Our emergency rooms as doctors office,undermine the hard working american by doing it cheaper.I do not know about all of you,but i remember when all the lawn people wher all white.Now they are all mexicans pissing in your garden.


New Member
It's the 12 million or so illegal immigrants that are killing us to.They get free everything,use Our emergency rooms as doctors office,undermine the hard working american by doing it cheaper.I do not know about all of you,but i remember when all the lawn people wher all white.Now they are all mexicans pissing in your garden.
Well, that's a great example of the poor plundering the middle class and the rich. And its also a good example of the middle class and the rich plundering the poor. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
we can fight about it all day and point the finger but personally i'm not going to blame myself for bush being the dictator he is. what i really want to know is what can be done? I could care less about politics but i have family that i care about and want to be informed in order to try and protect them. its obvious to me that our country is bankrupt and living on borrowed money and borrowed time. is rioting in the streets over this the answer? you tell me i'm at a loss and have no idea whats going to happen.


New Member
we can fight about it all day and point the finger but personally i'm not going to blame myself for bush being the dictator he is. what i really want to know is what can be done? I could care less about politics but i have family that i care about and want to be informed in order to try and protect them. its obvious to me that our country is bankrupt and living on borrowed money and borrowed time. is rioting in the streets over this the answer? you tell me i'm at a loss and have no idea whats going to happen.
You and all the rest of us know not the outcome in the future. There are some dire predictions like the 2012 scenario, but us optimists see past that. I think we should look to a wider surround then just the USA. I realize that what affects us personally will determine our place in all this, but the bigger picture is hanging over our heads like the sword of damocles. If a warmongering asshole like McCain gets the nod, an escalation of the mid-east wars is almost certain, thereby drawing such nuclear players as Afghanistan and Israel, India and China. This would invariably spill over to the USA and a very dire consequence for us all.


Well-Known Member
Yep its a fact that McCain is a war mongering s-o-b and we all know the situation will be dire with McCain at the helm. but hillary made that famous remark about Iran and Obama wants to talk to them or says he wants to but he says a lot of things with out saying much at all. I believe the next president Will be Impeached because he or she will attempt to carry on the same regime that is in power now and the American people want real changes and are tired of being lead like sheep to the slaughter. yeah people are putting their faith in Obama but i'm not a sheep and i won't be lead down that path. they will find out in 09 how misguided their faith is.


Well-Known Member
Yep its a fact that McCain is a war mongering s-o-b and we all know the situation will be dire with McCain at the helm. but hillary made that famous remark about Iran and Obama wants to talk to them or says he wants to but he says a lot of things with out saying much at all. I believe the next president Will be Impeached because he or she will attempt to carry on the same regime that is in power now and the American people want real changes and are tired of being lead like sheep to the slaughter. yeah people are putting their faith in Obama but i'm not a sheep and i won't be lead down that path. they will find out in 09 how misguided their faith is.
Speaking of Sheep...A good read for anyone who's interested... A Nation of Sheep: Andrew P. Napolitano: Books
n A NATION OF SHEEP, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano frankly discusses how the federal government has circumvented the Constitution and is systematically dismantling the rights and freedoms that are the foundation of American democracy. He challenges Americans to recognize that they are being led down a very dangerous path and that the cost of following without challenge is the loss of the basic freedoms that facilitate our pursuit of happiness and that define us as a nation.

Judge Napolitano reminds readers what America is all about, that the purpose of government is to protect freedom, and freedom is the ability to follow your own free will and not the will of government bureaucrats. He asks the simple question, which are YOU, a sheep or a wolf? Do you blindly follow behind where you are led, or do you challenge the government at every pass, forcing it to make decisions that will protect our freedoms? Judge Napolitano asks the questions that no one else will, challenging readers to rethink why they are blindly following a government that has only its own interests in mind. He asks:

  • Why is the government using the war on terror as an excuse to sidestep the Constitution?
  • Why are Americans not challenging and questioning the government as it continues to limit more and more of our freedoms?
  • What part of "Congress shall make no law..." does the government not understand when it criminalizes speech?
  • Whatever happened to our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that are proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, guaranteed by the Constitution, yet ignored by the governments elected to protect them?
  • Why does every public office holder swear allegiance to the Constitution, yet very few follow it?
  • Don't we have rights that are guaranteed and cannot be taken from us?
And for those of you who would like to hear an awesome speech given by this man, look here...
YouTube - Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 1 of 4
YouTube - Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 2 of 4
YouTube - Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 3 of 4
YouTube - Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 4 of 4


New Member
Napolitano is a Fox News whore, a right wing neo-con that was partly responsible for the Bush Presidency. He may give what some call an entertaining speech but the his character is flawed.


Well-Known Member
Napolitano is a Fox News whore, a right wing neo-con that was partly responsible for the Bush Presidency. He may give what some call an entertaining speech but the his character is flawed.
Guess ya didn't even look at the vids, eh Med? I know where Napolitano is from. That's why I was surprised when I read his first book. I'm not a Fox News watcher, but unlike yourself, I checked him out because I explore options. I was impressed reading his "Constitutional Chaos" a book that describes how our own government is disregarding rule of law. Too bad you're so blinded by your hatred and bias to know that Napolitano offers scathing criticisms toward Bush and the neo-cons regarding Patriot, CALEA, illegal wiretaps, illegal search and seizure.


New Member
Guess ya didn't even look at the vids, eh Med? I know where Napolitano is from. That's why I was surprised when I read his first book. I'm not a Fox News watcher, but unlike yourself, I checked him out because I explore options. I was impressed reading his "Constitutional Chaos" a book that describes how our own government is disregarding rule of law. Too bad you're so blinded by your hatred and bias to know that Napolitano offers scathing criticisms toward Bush and the neo-cons regarding Patriot, CALEA, illegal wiretaps, illegal search and seizure.
I've read some of Napolitano's stuff and Yeah, I like some of it. The freedom from govt seems pretty good, but being a commentator on fox just scars him for me. I see fox as nothing but a right wing think tank talking machine. With a little nothing thrown in for time consumption, like the Natilie Holloway bullshit that ran- 24-7 or the Anna Nicole Smith Yatta Yatta Yatta. When they are not talking about how to make this country a right wing campground, they use filler like the above. This kind of "news" reporting definently has a right wing agenda. Now here we go with the major networks are all left leaning. Bullshit. There are about three left sided shows. the rest are all corporate controlled mind fuck.
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Well-Known Member
Uhhh, tell me why he voted to seat Bush then????
I can't answer for him, but if I had to guess, perhaps he holds the same mindset as yourself..You know...Whomever the candidate is for <insert party here>, I'm voting for them just to keep the opposing party out. Checked out the vids yet?


New Member
Med, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano is also a CNN contributor.
Like I said, They're all filled with Mindfuck. You have to be able to see through the muck. I wonder how many people take what they see on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc for fact. If you want facts about politics in the USA, you have to watch news from another country like AlJazeera. Even they have an agenda though. I personally like LINK TV for the straight scoop. They let the people involved tell their own stories, not soundbites like major networks. I don't think you've ever heard me champion CNN, but if I did, it was about one story I thought was true. In this short life, we must make a few decisions that will affect our lives. I've made some good ones and some bad ones. I will have to deal with the bad ones and appreciate the good ones, that is real life.