completley clueless.

about a year ago i tried growing, i got the plant about a foot tall and it died, i stopped smoking for a bit but i am wanting to try to grow again. what i did the first time, i started the seeds in a shotglass of water for a day in the warm dark. then i moved them into plastic cups full of miricle grow. after they got 5 in tall i transplanted them into 5 gallons ( only 2 plants by this point. ) they both survived for a week then dropped dead, if you could post as if i know nothing and start me from the basics it would rock.


Well-Known Member
May i suggest you look through newbie central..its all there just read read read...theres even videos on you tube..that should get you started..happy growing


Active Member
Dont use the MG potting soil. Most of the commercially available MG mixes have pre-mixed nutes and are too strong for young seedlings. Get better soil or buy peatmoss or coir and mix one of the soil recipes easily found in these forums. Also after transplanting to a large pot like the 5gal it will not take as frequent watering until it has formed a good root ball. Let the soil dry a couple of inches down in a large pot like this before re-watering.


Well-Known Member
Wasnt trying to be a asshole and im no expert..but ill help as much as to you tomorrow..


Indoor or outdoor? I'm a noob too, but I'm well read, enough to get you in the right direction. What part of Kentucky are you from, I did my graduate work at UK. As for Miracle Grow, do you know the quality of the soil around you?


Well-Known Member
I am personally using MG Organic Choice and am having NO problems whatsoever. The nutes are all organic and low amounts anyway. Packing is a problem so you gotta add 1/3 perlite to ur mix. good luck
Indoor or outdoor? I'm a noob too, but I'm well read, enough to get you in the right direction. What part of Kentucky are you from, I did my graduate work at UK. As for Miracle Grow, do you know the quality of the soil around you?
probably going to be growing in a grow box, my brother is saving seeds for me. should have 50 by tommorow.