COCO - 400W - Paradise Seeds Wappa!


Hi there,

i've been reading you for a while, I thought it was time to also share some of my experience along with you.

I started in 2001 with some bagseed and a 70W MH that was more intented to light a shop than a plant but learned alot from it.
Then Internet and overgrow shew me the right path, and the growshop that opened in the city where I lived offered more opportunities : a magnetic 250W ballast with both MH and HPS bulbs.
After that, some vents made their way to my home, real seeds too (even if they were from nirvana, they really helped me to improve my gardening skills by training over and over).
All this stuff were in a wooden closet, that changed as I moved on.

Several years ago, I bought my first grow tent : a real Homebox, 80x80x160.
Close after this, a Secret Jardin Dark Street 80x80x160 was used.

After a quite long break, I've ordered a new Homebox, the twin release (big shouts to organicearth that sold them for a limited time 159€ instead of 239€ everywhere in Europe!), offering 2 areas :
- 120 x 80 x 140 for flower
- 120 x 80 x 60 for veg

I've been upgrading to a 400W digital dimmable ballast from Gavita and a Plantastar 400W bulb from Osram for flowering, cooled by a Vents TT 125mm fan (220/280 m3/h) with a carbon scrubber from CanFan. The ducting is isolated with rockwool and creates little to no noise. I also own a GSE Water Timer that will be used when all the electric is fixed (I'll build a full dedicated pannel, already own some parts for it like a 16A digital timer with 2 outputs). I also have an oscillating fan running on slow speed to keep the ladies dancing 24/24 and help to get some thick stem in early stage.
The veg area is lighted with 6 x 13W cool white fluoros, and running the same exhaust except the filter that's branded MaxFilter (way cheaper).

I discovered coco from bricks in 2007 and I've been really pleased with it's performances : it does well with a good taste and also forgives the little mistakes I can make sometimes. I rely on Bio Nova as they're cheap : 12€ for 6 bricks, each giving 10L of moist medium.

About ferts : I use the Bio Nova Coco A+B, Ph- from the same brand, and Buddy from Hydrogarden (old bottle of PK13/14 that I've laying around for... 7 years?!). Nothing more, nothing less.
The flowering is fed with 4mL of A and same amount of B per litter, Ph is kept between 5,8-6,2 using Adwa AD11 hardware. At week 3 or 4, I also add some Buddy (5mL for 10L) for 2 weeks.
The vegging is fed with the same stuff, with lower nutrients.

I also have 2 waterfarms that haven't run since 2007... great tools though! I may give them some more runs soon!

So here I am with introducing myself, let's talk about GROW!

I had some beans from Paradise laying around : 5x female WAPPA that I decided to plant when I received the new stuff.
They first started in root riots (even if I better like them for cloning and rather rely on straigh coco for seedling), then moved in small Teku pots under 250W HPS (my old digi ballast from GIB that still works very well 7 years after), and repoted them in bigger sized pots (around 3L of coco) with home made dripping ring build in. I was tired of hand watering everyday, twice a day so I bought some 4mm hose and dilled some holles in it, all connected to a 13mm mainfold powered by a little pump. I now just have to switch the pump on and look at the water flooding over the coco.

They've been planted around January 20th and brought to flower on March the 13th.
The stretch was kinda handable : x2 to x2,5 their size, and I prepared them with some LST.

Just before flowering, I tooked some clones from the two best looking ladies : out of 5 seeds, 3 were slow and were'nt cloned. The #1 labelled has the best looking bud so far, the #2 is has more internode space but could become nice too.
Cloning has been made under a dome, in root riots with some clonex rooting hormone on the cut stems, and have shown roots in 10 days maximum).

Right now, it's been 25 days since 12/12 and I'm impressed by the budding on the 2 girls. The 400W may explain why they look so nice.

The clones have been repoted to airpots yesterday and I may move them to the flowering area in 6 days, except one that will become a mother (the #1).

Here you are with pics ;)

P1000499.jpgP1000505.jpg P1000517.jpgoverwiew
P1000508.jpgP1000509.jpg some bud shots
P1000521.jpgP1000522.jpg stems from #1 in the front, #2 in the back
P1000527.jpg clones from #1 and #2 in their new airpots (3L).


Well-Known Member
Lookin good! i had a wappa i started and gave to a friend but i heard its supposed to really stretch in flower.

Also a fan of the air pots. been usin them for a fat minute.

Youll soon buy more! Id get some 2.5 gal ones for flower.


Lookin good! i had a wappa i started and gave to a friend but i heard its supposed to really stretch in flower.

Also a fan of the air pots. been usin them for a fat minute.

Youll soon buy more! Id get some 2.5 gal ones for flower.
Thanks for the kind words!

Yes they did stretch but they were trained somehow before, thus developping lower branches and keeping their heigh as low as possible. I even thought I will make a scrog but was too lazzy to try this technique with an unknown strain.
Btw the #1 already has +20cm colas, a real keeper if the smoke is good too.

Those airpots sound interesting, it will be my first run with them but I already love the low space they need when unmounted... compared to my square Teku stock that needs 1m3 in basement :D


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah youll enjoy em for sure. I once had a plant i had to keep in veg for 6 months in one of those 1L pots you got and it had no signs of root bound(ness) and was transplanted and flowered after all that time and produced some excellent smoke and plenty of it.

GOOD LUCK! :blsmoke:


The clones are in 3L airpots right now, but I may buy bigger one if needed. I heard that their results were equal to nearly twice the size of regular pots when grown properly. Maybe I should have gone with 1L for the mother... veg area is only 60cm high so I hope it won't reach the roof within two weeks :/
I'll buy bigger one budbro18, I still have some loyalty to spend online, but I fear to grow tree with this one :D

Here are some more shots from #1, it's getting better and better day after day :)


Well-Known Member
Well youre already a month in so they shouldnt stretch more than a few inches in the next month or so.

Theyre lookin like theyre ready to start the big swell in a week or so.


Here we are with a little update of this topic.

As of 13/04 they were looking like that (flower +31) :

Notice that the young ladies upstair were brought to flowering the same day. I tried to lift them up a little, so the canopy takes benefit of the HPS at most. They first tooked little space, but stretched like their mothers (#1 and #2).

A few days later, 16/04 (flower +34):

The wappa #3 finaly tooked some kick and started budding for real. Very leafy though, but definately nice calyxes. As #2, she produces more calyxes and less hairs than the big colas from #1.

And now (flower +41) :

Room were resorted so the water tank stays in the middle, clones (flower +10) on the left and mamas on the right. Orange pictures are not so pretty, but I'm sure you can figure out how it looks and smells like in here :D



May this thread help some grower with this strain...

On 16th may, the ladies were cut down and gave me after one week drying a solid 183g. I was only using half of the tent floor space so this score could be doubled easily.
Yesterday, I harvested another half made from 4 plants that I wanted to try in air pots... they definately need an automated watering system as they're drying so fast they need more cycles that I can offer hand watering. Whatever, I'll say around 80-100g dry again.

No pics posted as this post is quite quiet... but I tooked some!